سڄي دنيا کي: هڪ قانون ۾ جمع ڪرڻ جو حق ڪنهن کي آهي؟ امام انقلاب عبيد الله سنڌيءَ جي تعليمات جي روشنيءَ ۾، جوکيو شفيق احمد
ليڪن منهنجي هن مٿين عنوان جي مضمون پڙهڻ کان پهريون: آغا خان پارن جي سوچ کي پڙهيو وڃي ته ؛ ڪير اهل هجي نه هجي پر هن جو بابو بادشاهه هو ته پٽ به بادشاهه ٿيندو ؟ سنڌيء م چوندا آهن ته هڪ شڪل پوري پني وري مٿان افعال بڇڙا ؟
آگا خان اول ايران جو ڀاڄوڪڙ غدار سنڌ ،جنهن سنڌ کي انگريزن جي هٿان 2000 پائونڊ ڀاڙ وٺي ۽ سنڌ کي انگريزن جي هٿ وڪڻي ڇڏيو، ڄڻ هن جي پيء جو مال هئي سنڌ امڙ ؟
Sindh, Pakistan
Hasan Ali Shah soon proceeded to Sind, where he rendered further services to the British. The British were able to annex Sind and for his services, Hasan Ali Shah received an annual pension of £2,000 from General Charles Napier, the British conqueror of Sind with whom he had a good relationship.[1]
Hasan Ali Shah also aided the British militarily and diplomatically in their attempts to subjugate Baluchistan. He became the target of a Baluchi raid, likely in retaliation for his helping the British and to whom they considered a traitor and a "kufar" or infidel; however, Hasan Ali Shah continued to aid the British, hoping that they would arrange for his safe return to his ancestral lands in Persia, where many members of his family remained.[1]
In October 1844, Hasan Ali Shah left Sind for Bombay, passing through Cutch and Kathiawar where he spent some time visiting the communities of his followers in the area. After arriving in Bombay in February 1846, the Persian government demanded his extradition from India. The British refused and only agreed to transfer Hasan Ali Shah’s residence to Calcutta, where it would be more difficult for him to launch new attacks against the Persian government. The British also negotiated the safe return of Hasan Ali Shah to Persia, which was in accordance with his own wish. The government agreed to Hasan Ali Shah's return provided that he would avoid passing through Baluchistan and Kirman and that he was to settle peacefully in Mahallat. Hasan Ali Shah was eventually forced to leave for Calcutta in April 1847, where he remained until he received news of the death of Muhammad Shah Qajar. Hasan Ali Shah left for Bombay and the British attempted to obtain permission for his return to Persia. Although some of his lands were restored to the control of his relatives, his safe return could not be arranged, and Hasan Ali Shah was forced to remain a permanent resident of India. While in India, Hasan Ali Shah continued his close relationship with the British, and was even visited by the Prince of Wales when the future King Edward VII was on a state visit to India. The British came to address Hasan Ali Shah as His Highness. Hasan Ali Shah received protection from the British government in British India as the spiritual head of an important Muslim community.[1]
آگا خان ۽ سندس جوءِ اسلام جا ٺيڪيدار جنهن جي ڏاڏي 2000 هزارن پائونڊن ۾ سنڌ کي انگريز هٿ وڪيو
When the Prophet Mohammad died, he was succeeded by four major accepted leaders called the Rightfully-guided Caliphs. One of the Caliphs was named Ali ibn Abu Talib was Mohammad’s son-in-law. Ali’s followers believed that he had the right to succeed the Prophet because of his relation to him. They believed that direct descendents of Mohammads, known as Imams, would provide the best spiritual leaders. This group became the Shi'a group and was different from the Sunnis, who wanted to choose the their leader from among the caliphs. The Shiites following grew and by the sixth Shiite Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq, the elder of two sons was chosen the successor. Ismail died before his father and the younger Jafar declared his own younger son Mosa the new successor. Here another split occurred where some believed that Ismail’s son, Mohammad, should be the next Imam.
Thus the Ismaili faction was created and became an underground movement with the Ismaili Imam hiding. Eventually the Imam and his followers emerged as a powerful force with a commanding army. They conquered Egypt and established the Fatimid dynasty, the so-called anti-Caliphate of Cairo. Through many successions, battles and regional disputes, the Ismaili following has expanded all over the world. The group has a strong following among Ismaili Muslims and is led today by the respected and entrepreunial Prince Aga Khan (Agha Khan). He is depicted in this photo with his wife, Princess Gabriele zu Leiningen. Aga Khan became Imam of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims on July 11, 1957 at the age of 20, succeeding his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan. Today's Ismailis live in 25 countries, in West and Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as in North America and Western Europe.
هاڻ مٿين جڙتو هٿ ٺوڪئي فڪر کي مد نظر رکي هي امام انقلاب جو فڪر پڙهندا _جوکيو شفيق احمد
وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَا مُوسَىٰ لَن نَّصْبِرَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامٍ وَاحِدٍ فَادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الْأَرْضُ مِن بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّائِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا ۖ قَالَ أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ الَّذِي هُوَ أَدْنَىٰ بِالَّذِي هُوَ خَيْرٌ ۚ اهْبِطُوا مِصْرًا فَإِنَّ لَكُم مَّا سَأَلْتُمْ ۗ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الذِّلَّةُ وَالْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَاءُوا بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ ۗ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا يَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ النَّبِيِّينَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ ۗ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا وَّكَانُوا يَعْتَدُونَ ﴿٦١﴾سُورَة اَلبَقرَه
۽ جڏھن چيوَ ته اي موسىٰ ھڪ طعام تي ڪڏھن به صبر نه ڪنداسون تنھنڪري پنھنجي پالڻھار کان اسان لاءِ (دُعا) گھر ته زمين جيڪو پنھنجو ساڳ ۽ پنھنجا بادرنگ ۽ پنھنجي ڪڻڪ ۽ پنھنجي مُھري ۽ پنھنجا بصر ڄمائيندي آھي سي اسان لاءِ پيدا ڪري، چيائين ته جيڪي چڱيون آھن سي سا دين سان ڇو ٿا مٽايو ؟ (جي نٿا رھو ته) ڪنھن شھر ۾ لھي وڃو ۽ پوءِ جيڪي گھرو ٿا سو سڀ اوھان لاءِ (اُتي موجود) آھي، خواري ۽ محتاجي مٿن ھنئي وئي ۽ الله جي ڏمر ھيٺ وريا، ھِيءُ ھن ڪري آھي جو اُنھن الله جي حڪمن کي نه ٿي مڃيو ۽ پيغمبرن کي ناحق ٿي ڪُٺائون، اھو ڪم بي فرمانيءَ سببان ٿي ڪيائون ۽ حد کان لنگھندڙ ھوا. (٦١) ترجمه سنڌيءَ ۾
سيدنا شيخ القران و شيخ السنڌ و الهند
مولانا تاج محمود امروٽي نور الله مرقده
And when ye said: O Moses! We are weary of one kind of food; so call upon thy Lord for us that He bring forth for us of that which the earth groweth - of its herbs and its cucumbers and its corn and its lentils and its onions. He said: Would ye exchange that which is higher for that which is lower? Go down to settled country, thus ye shall get that which ye demand. And humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they disbelieved in Allah's revelations and slew the prophets wrongfully. That was for their disobedience and transgression. (61) Translation
by Allama Muahmmad Marma Duke Pichkthall
حضرت موسيٰ عليه السلام کي ڪم از ڪم هن جي موڪل هئي ته جيڪڏهن سڄي دنيا کي هڪ قانون ۾ جمع ڪري ته سگهي ڪري، هن ڪري ته هي مقصد ابراهيم عليه السلام جو هو، پوءِ ان جي اولاد ۾ اولوا العزم سڀ ان درجي حاصل ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪن ٿا، حضرت موسيٰ به او العزم آهي ته انجو مقصد به هي هوندو ته حضرت ابراهيم عليه السلام جو مقصد پورو ڪري، پر انکي اعليٰ جماعت نه ملي سگهي ته ابراهيمي مقصد هلائڻ لاءِ قابليت پيدا نه ڪري سگهي، ته هاڻ موجوده بني اسرائيل ڪيئن دعويٰ ڪندا ته قرآن نازل ٿئي ۽ اسين ڪافي آهيون.
پهرين جماعت ۾ عصيان عدوان جو مرض جو هو،جو مختلف دورن ۾ ظاهر پئي ٿيو، اهو مرض وڌي بني اسرائيل جي عزت سلب ڪرڻ سبب ٿيو.
ضُربَتِ عَلَيهِمِ الذِلَة: 61 آيت، هاڻ آيت کي پوئتان سمجهڻ گهرجي، اول انهن ۽ ۾ عصيان عدوان هو، پوءِ عصيان ۽ عدوان تي جڏهن اصرار ڪيائون ته انجي نتيجي طور تي هي ٿيو ته؛ کانوا يقتلون بغير الحق، پوءِ ان عادت تي به جڏهن دوام ڪيائون ته هن جي نتيجي طور تي هي لازم ٿيو جو؛ ضربت عليهم الذلة، سلطنت کسجي وئي دولت کان مراد سير چشمي آهي يعني اک ڀريل آهي ( والمسڪنة ) يعني پنهنجي غلطي جو انهن ۾ احساس گم ٿي ويو.
هاڻ پنهنجي خطاءِ کان توبهَ ڪن يا رجوع سو انهن ۾ نه رهيو ته غضب الاهي جا مستحق ٿي ويا. هاڻ هتي پهرين آخري نتيجو چيو ويو آهي ته؛ صربت عليهم الذلة اللتي وباؤ، اها حالت قرآن جي نازل ٿيڻ جي زماني ۾ آهي. اها حالت ڇالاء پيدا ٿي آهي. هن کان اڳ هي جرم ڪري چڪا آهن؛
ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا يَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ النَّبِيِّينَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ ۗ
ھِيءُ ھن ڪري آھي جو اُنھن الله جي حڪمن کي نه ٿي مڃيو ۽ پيغمبرن کي ناحق ٿي ڪُٺائون، اھو ڪم بي فرمانيءَ سببان ٿي ڪيائون ۽ حد کان لنگھندڙ ھوا. (٦١) ترجمه
هي حالت انهن ۾ اڳين زماني ۾ ڇا لاء پيدا ٿي هئي ۽ هي انهن جو وسطي زمانو هو هن ڪري ته هنن اول زماني ۾ عصيان ۽ عدوان هو ۽ وسطي زماني ۾ ڪفر باٰيات الله ۽ قتل انبياء الله شروع ڪري ڏنائون ۽ موجوده زماني ۾
وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الذِّلَّةُ وَالْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَاءُوا بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ
۽ خواري واري ۽ محتاجي مٿن ھنئي وئي ۽ الله جي ڏمر ھيٺ وريا
جا مستحق ٿيا ۽ رجوع الي الله جو بلڪل خيال ڇڏي ڏنائون، هن طرح سان هنن جي قومي تاريخ شروع کان آخر تائين 61 آيت تي پوري ٿي. ڇا هي جماعت دعويٰ ڪري سگهي ٿي ته قرآن نازل ٿيڻ جي ضرورت نه آهي ؟ هن بيان جو هي مطلب نه آهي ته انهن مان چڱا افراد بلڪل گم ٿي ويا آهن بلڪ هي بيان جماعتي حيثيت سان آهي انهن ۾ افراد چڱا هر زماني ۾ ملن ٿا پر انهن چڱن افرادن سان هو پنهنجي قومي فوقيت ثابت ڪن: سو صحيح نا آهي، افراد جنهن به قوم ۽ مذهب جا چڱا هوندا انهن سڀني جو الله وٽ هڪ حڪم آهي، هاڻ ڪجهه افراد يهودين مان جيڪڏهن چڱا آهن ته: انهن کي کڻي خلافت ڏجي, هن ڪري ته اهي بني اسرائيل آهن؟
حالانڪه اهڙا چڱا افراد بني اسماعيل ۽ نصاري ۽ صابيين ۾ به آهن ، پوء انهن کي مؤخر ڪري ڇڏجي؟ هن ڪري ته اهي بني اسرائيل نه آهن ته هي دين الاهي ۾ غلط ڳالهه آهي. جيڪڏهن ڪي ماڻهو جماعتي حيثيت سان ثابت ٿيندا ۽ دين ترقي ڪندا ته انهن کي مقدم رکڻ صحيح آهي ، پوءِ اگرچه ائين چئجي ته فلاڻي قوم يا فلاڻي نسل ترقي ڪري ويئي پر هڪ جماعت دين ۾ ترقي حاصل ڪري بلڪ فقط نسلي حيثيت سان الله وٽ درجو مقدم رکي سو غلط آهي.
حضرت آدم جي اولاد ۾ سڀ قومون برابر آهن يهودين کي دعويٰ آهي ته اسين ڪتاب الاهي جا حامل ٿيون پر هن حيثيت مان نه ته اسان جي جماعت چڱي آهي بلڪه هن لاء ته اسين بني اسرائيل آهيون، ته هن دعويٰ تي رد نمبر 62 ۾ آهي
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالنَّصَارَىٰ وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّـهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ ﴿٦٢﴾ سورة البقره
مؤمنن ۽ يھودين ۽ نصارن ۽ صابين منجھان جن الله ۽ قيامت جي ڏينھن کي مڃيو ۽ چڱا ڪم ڪيا تن لاءِ سندن پالڻھار وٽ سندن اجر آھي، ۽ کين نڪي ڀؤ آھي ۽ نڪي اُھي غمگين رھندا. (٦٢) ترجمه سنڌيءَ ۾
سيدنا شيخ القران و شيخ السنڌ و الهند
مولانا تاج محمود امروٽي نور الله مرقد
Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (62)
Translation by Allama Muahmmad Marma Duke Pichkthall
ان الذين آمنو کان مراد قرآن جا مؤمن آهن يعني مهاجرين. والذين هادوا يعني يهود والنصاري
يعني حضرت عيسيٰ طرف منسوب قوم. والصابئين صابئين جي تفسير ۾ گهڻو ڪري اهل عصر ۽ فقهاء غلطي ڪري چڪا آهن. هتي فقط وسيع النظر مؤرخ جو ڪم آهي، حضرت ابراهيم کان اول جي به قومون متدين هيون، حضرت نوح جي طريقي تي يا حضرت آدم ۽ حضرت ادريس جي طريقي تي ۽ حضرت آدم کان پوءِ جي به ان طريقي انبياء ، ابراهيم عليه السلام تائين مبعوث ٿيا، انهن جي طريقي تي ته اهي سڀ متدين طريقي تي صابئين ۾ داخل آهن. انهن جا بقايا ٽن قومن ۾ ممتاز آهن هندوستان ۾ برمو يعني برهمنيه ، چين ۾ سمنيه يعني ٻڌهسٽ.(بده) ٻڌهه قوم به هندوستان مان پيدا ٿي آهي ۽ ايران ۾ مجوس، هن کان اول رومي يوناني بابلي قومون سڀ صابي هيون مگر نصراني دين جي شيوع ۾ اهي قومون نصاري ٿي ويون ته انهن جي هستي علحده (الڳ) قائم نه رهي آهي. ته انهن سڀني قومن لاء قرآن ۾ هي شرط آهي تهجي انهن مان
مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّـهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ ﴿٦٢﴾سورة البقره
۽ قيامت جي ڏينھن کي مڃيو ۽ چڱا ڪم ڪيا تن لاءِ سندن پالڻھار وٽ سندن اجر آھي، ۽ کين نڪي ڀؤ آھي ۽ نڪي اُھي غمگين رھندا. (٦٢)مترجمه سنڌي
سنڌ جي آزاديءَ جو امام
سيد تاج محمود امروٽي رح
اهي سڀ هڪ درجي تي آهن. قريش جي جنهن به قوم مان خلافت نڪري وئي، انهن ساڳي يهودين جي پنهنجي نسل تفوق(فوقيت ) جي عادت رهي آهي.
حضرت علي( رضي الله تعالي عنه ) جي اولاد ساري عالم ۾ خاص شرف جي مدعي ( دعويٰ ڪندڙ) آهي، اگرچه انهن ۾ هڪ خوبي (خاصيت گڻ خصلت سيرت ) به نه هجي انهن جا اتباع، شيعه مذهبي طور تي موجود آهن، اهي ٽي فرقه آهن؛ اثنا عشريه ۽ اسماعيليه ( آغا خاني + دائودي بوهري) ۽ زيديه، ته هي عام سُنِّي به پيا مڃيندا. انهن کان ٻئي درجه ۾ عباسي ۽ اموي به عربي تفوق (مٿ ڀرائي اعلي نسل) جا مدعي ( دعويٰ ڪندڙ) آهن ۽ اهل سنة، جا گهڻا فرقا هن جي تائيد ڪن ٿا، انهن ته خلافت فقط قريش جو حق آهي، ان ڪري هو به پنهنجو نسلي امتياز قائم رکن ٿا، انهن جي حڪومت جي دؤر ۾ هي قائدا مقرر ٿي چڪا آهن ته؛ هڪ عجم، عرب جو ڪفوا (ڪڙم قبيلو آڪهه خاندان ) نه آهي ۽ اهڙي طرح علوي ۽ حسني حسيني جو فضل تسليم ڪجي ٿو، هي بدعت ( شروعات نئين ڳالهه) ساڳي يهود يعني ( يهودين ) کان آيل آهي ۽ اسلام جو هن سان ڪوبه تعلق نه آهي، پوءِ ان بدعت جي رسوخ جو نتيجو هي آهي ته مسلمان، يهود نصاريٰ کي ته اهل ڪتاب مڃين ٿا پر ڪنهن به صابي ( فارس جي زرتشت ۽ هند سنڌ جي رام ،ڪرشن، ڪپل ديو ۽ گوتم ٻڌ جي پوئلڳن) کي اهل ڪتاب جو درجو نه ٿا ڏين. پوءِ قرآن ۾ صابئين جو ذڪر آهي ته، ان کان جان ڇڏائڻ لاءِ چون ٿا ته، هاڻ صابي نه رهيا آهن، فقط بغداد جي ڀرسان ڪجهه گهر هوا، انهن جو ذڪر فقط قرآن ۾ آهي، ابن اثير جي تاريخ ۾ آهي ته يهود نصاريٰ ٿيڻ کان اول ۽ ٻيون قومون حتآنڪه قريش، سڀ صابي هوا. پهرين هو اسماعيلي طريقي تي هوا. پوءِ جڏهن انهن م تحريف اچي ويئي ته صابي ٿي ويا، هي ياد رهي ته عرب رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم کي صابي چوندا هوا.
حاصل مطلب اهل عصر ۽ فقهاءِ جي هن تخيل کي قرآن عظيم جي عالمگير حڪومت قائم ڪرڻ کان متآخر ڪري ڇڏيو آهي. اسلام جي اشاعت اطراف عالم ۾ انهن صوفيه سان ٿي آهي جي ان امتياز جا قائل نه هوا._ جاري آهي
هي مضمون
سنڌي تفسير سوره فاتحه ۽ سوره البقره _املاء امام عبيد الله سنڌي تان ورتل آهي، جيڪو سندن شاگرد رشيد علامه مولانا محمد مدني رح کي مڪة المڪرمة منجهه لکيايو هو ۽ ان جو عربي کان سنڌي ترجمهعلامه غلام مصطفي قاسمي صاحب جن رح ڪيو هو.
ناشر شاهه ولي الله اڪيڊمي، حيدرآباد،سنڌ
Realtime Hit Counter
Saturday, 30 April 2011
پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اجاره داري اور نذر نياز ڪو ناجائز قرار ديا تاڪه بِلا محنت مال ڪي حصول ڪِي صُورت پيدا نه هو پائي_القرآن
پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اجاره داري اور نذر نياز ڪو ناجائز قرار ديا تاڪه بِلا محنت مال ڪي حصول ڪِي صُورت پيدا نه هو پائي_القرآن
by Jokhio Shafique Ahmed on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 7:37am
هن مضمون کي پڙهڻ کان پهريون ذهن ۾ اهو رکڻ گهرجي ته مون مسڪين اصل مضمون م ڪنهن به قسم جي ڦير ڦار ناهي ڪئي ، رڳو آيتن جو ترجمه هڪ سائٽ تنزيل ڊوٽ تان ورتو آهي ؛ ڇو ته مئولف قرآن آيتن جا حواله ناهن لکيا هاڻي صاحب تاليف جو اصل مضمون پڙهيو وڃي
پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اجاره داري اور نذر نياز ڪو ناجائز قرار ديا
تاڪه بِلا محنت مال ڪي حصول ڪِي صُورت پيدا نه هو پائي
مرتبه_المسڪين فقير الي الله
جوکيو شفيق احمد
رسول اڪرم صلي الله عليه وآلہ وسلم ني حلال رزق ڪي حصول پر بهت زور ديا هي اور قرآن ۾ بِهي الله تعاليٰ ني اس باري ۾ متعدد مقامات پر ناجائز طريقون سي بلا محنت حصول رزق وحصولِ مال ڪي ڪوششون اور صورتون ڪو انتهائي بري بات اور جرم قرار ديا هي. اهلِ يهود اور نصارا (عيسائي) ڪي مذاهب ۾ دين فطرت سي انحراف ڪي بعد جو برائيان جَڙ پڪڙ گئين تهين اُن مين عظيم بُرائي يه ڀِي تِهي ڪي اُن ڪي عُلماءَ و مشائخ اَپني آستاني قائم ڪرڪي اِس بات ڪي مُدَّعِي ٿي ڪي وُه بَراهِ راست خُدا سي تعلُّق رکتي هين اور وُه عوام النّاس ڪي ذِهنون پر اِس طرح اپني روحانيت (پيشوائيت) ڪا اثر جَماتي رهتي ڪي اگر ڪوئي فرد يا گُروھ اُن ڪي عزَّت و تڪريم ۾ ڪَمي ڪرتا تو اُس ڪو جهنَّمِي اور خطاڪار قرار ديتي. اِس طرح اپني زُهدُ و تقويٰ ڪي لباده ۾ اپني آستانون ڪي اَندر بيٺ ڪر يه تاثر جماتي رهتي ڪي جن لوگون سي يه خوش هوڪر ُانڪي لِئي خدا سي نِجاتِ اُخروِي اور دنيا ڪي ڀلائي ڪي دُعاڪرينگي. الله تعاليٰ اُن ڪي تمام گُناه مُعَاف ڪرڪي اُنڪو جنّت ۾ جَگَه ديگا اور دنيا ۾ بِهي خوشحالي و ڪامراني ــ
عوام النّاس (لوگ) اُنڪي خوشنُودِي اور رضا حاصِل ڪرني ڪي لِئي اُنڪي پاس آتي هين اور بيش بهَا نَذراني پيش ڪرتي ، جس پر يه رُئُوسا (رَئيس) اور اُمَراء (امير ) ڪي طرح بَڙي ڻهاڻهه (عيش) ڪي زندگي گُزارتي الله تعاليٰ ني بعثتِ رَسول (صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم ) (يعني سيدنا محمد ڪريم صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم ) ڪي بعد قُرآنِ حڪيم ۾ اِن الفاظ ۾ اعلان فرماڪر اِس نوع ڪي حصولِ رِزق و مال و دولت ڪو ناجائز اور باطل (حرام) قرار ديدِيا..
١. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْأَحْبَارِ وَالرُّهْبَانِ لَيَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ النَّاسِ بِالْبَاطِلِوَيَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ وَالَّذِينَ يَكْنِزُونَ الذَّهَبَ وَالْفِضَّةَ وَلَا يُنفِقُونَهَا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ ﴿التوبة: ٣٤﴾ مومنو! (اہل کتاب کے) بہت سے عالم اور مشائخ لوگوں کا مال ناحق کھاتے اور (ان کو) راہ خدا سے روکتے ہیں۔ اور جو لوگ سونا اور چاندی جمع کرتے ہیں اور اس کو خدا کے رستے میں خرچ نہیں کرتے۔ ان کو اس دن عذاب الیم کی خبر سنادو (٣٤) سورة التوبة ،مترجمه علام فتح محمد جالندهري رح
مئولف جو لکيل ترجمه_مذهبي پيشوائون اور نسلي اِجاره دار مشائخ اور عُلماء ايسي لوگون ڪا مال باطل (ناجائز) طريقون سي کاتي هين يعني نذر و نياز وصول ڪرتي هين.
اِس طرح قُرآن حڪيم ني مُختلِف الفاظ ۾ اِس نِهِج ڪي حصولِ مال ڪو ناجائز باطل يعني حرام قرار ديا هي . اور خود رسولِ اڪرم سيدنا مُحمّد صلي الله عليه وآلِہِ وسلم ني اپني اُوپر اور اپني خاندان ڪي اَفراد اور اولاد پر صدقات و نِياز ڪو حرام قرار ديڪر پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اِجاره داري ڪي ذريعي حصولِ مال ڪي اِس باطل ذريعي ڪو مُسلمانون پر هميشه ڪي لئي بند ڪرديا اور آپ يه ڪا اهم اِنقِلابي قدم تها، ڪيونڪي اِس لِباده ۾ اڪثر بد ديانت ، رياڪار، رياڪار،ڪامچور، چالاڪ لوگ ڪثرت سي شريڪ هوسڪتي هين، ڪيونڪه اِن ڪي جاه و جلال ڪي اِن ڪي گِرد عوام ڪي ڀِيڙ ڪو ديک ڪر اڪثر حاڪمِ وقت ڀي اِنڪو اپني قرابت دارون اور درباريون ۾ شامل ڪر ليتي هين تاڪي اِن ڪي لِباده ڪي اندر ڇُپي هوئي اثرات سي وه ڀي مُستفيد هون اور وه ڀي عوام النّاس ڪا مال خزانه عامِره سي اپني عيش و عشرت پر بِلا روڪ ڻوڪ صرف ڪرين اور يه پيشوا اُن ڪي تائيد و نصرت اور پرده پوشي ۾ ممدو معاوِن (مددگار) بني رَهين. عوام اُن حالات ڪي پيدا هوجاني پر اور بهي اِن ڪي گِرد گهومتي رهين تاڪه اِن ڪي خوشنودي سي وه اپني چهوٽي ڇوٽي غرضين حڪام سي سفارشات ڪي ذريعي پورا ڪرين. اِن سي دُعا ڪرائين اور اهل ڪارانِ دولت ڪي لئي سفارشات اِس طرح وه اپني پيشوائون ڪي ڪَئي اَهَم اورضروري ڪام بھي مُفت اور بيگار ۾ ڪرتي هين اور اِن ڪا بُهُت سا روپيا بچ جاتا هي. اور يون دولت ”دن دوني اور رات چُوني“ ڪرتي هي اور وه آناً فاناً چوٽي ڪي مالدارون مين شُمار هوني لگتي هين. جس قدرمال بڙهتا هي اُسي قدر اُن ڪي گِرد عوام ڪا جُهمگٽّا بڙهتا هي اور لوگ مَحُو حِيرت ره جاتي هين اور يقين ڪرني لگتي هين ڪي يه حضرات في الحَقيقت صاحِب ”ڪرامات“ اور صاحِب علم و عرفان هين.
حقيقت يه هي ڪي اِن لوگون ڪي تو ڪمائي اور خوراڪ و لِباس سب اُڪُل حرام هوتي هي. اور جس ڪي خوراڪ پوشاڪ هي سب مالِ حرام سي حاصل ڪيا گيا هو اُس ڪي عبادت ،اُسڪي رياضت ، اُس ڪي عِبادت و سپاس گزاري يا دُعا ڪب قبوليت ڪا درجه رکتي هي. اُن ڪي اعمال رياڪاري پر مبني هوتي هين اور تمام اعمال ” حَبِطَت اَعمَالُهُم“ ڪي زُمري ۾ شامل هوتي هين ، اِسڪا ڪوئي خاص اَجَر دُنيا ۾ هرگِز هرگِز نهين هوتا. اِس نِهج ڪي بزرگ اَب هماري اِسلامي مُعاشِري ۾ ڪثرت سي پيدا هوچڪي هين . شهرون ۾ ڀي هين مگر ديهات و قصبات اور پسمانده علاقون ۾ اِن ڪي بهتات هي
قُرآن ۾ هي:- وَأَن لَّيْسَ لِلْإِنسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ ﴿٣٩﴾ اور یہ کہ انسان کو وہی ملتا ہے جس کی وہ کوشش کرتا ہے _ سورت النجم ، مترجمه علامه فتح محمد جالندهري رح.
وَأَن لَّيْسَ لِلْإِنسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ ﴿٣٩﴾ امام انقلاب مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي رح ني اس آيت ڪا ترجمه اس ڪيا هي ڪه: جو انسان جتني محنت ڪري اس اتني هي اجرت ملي ، يعني ايڪ انسان سارا دن خون جلائي ۽ اور پسينه بهائي مگر اس ڪو اجرت مقرر ڪرڪي دي جائي جو سراسر ظلم هي اور دوسري طرف ايڪ ظالم انسان نه ڪوئي خون جلائي نه پسينه بهائي؛ مگر اس ڪو خون جلاني اور پسينه بهاني ڪي مقابله مين اتنا مال ملي ڪي جس ڪا وه حقدار هي نهين ؟ جس ڪي نتيجه مين سوسائيڻي مين بگاڙ پيدا هوگا_المسڪين جوکيو شفيق احمد
وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتُدْلُوا بِهَا إِلَى الْحُكَّامِ لِتَأْكُلُوا فَرِيقًا مِّنْ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالْإِثْمِ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٨٨﴾ اور ایک دوسرے کا مال ناحق نہ کھاؤ اورنہ اس کو (رشوةً) حاکموں کے پاس پہنچاؤ تاکہ لوگوں کے مال کا کچھ حصہ ناجائز طور پر کھا جاؤ اور (اسے) تم جانتے بھی ہو _ سورة البقره ، مترجمه علامه فتح محمد جالندهري
”آپس ۾ تم لوگ ايڪ دوسري ڪا مال ناجائز طريقي سي نه کائو اور نه هي حُڪّام ڪو مال دو ( يعني رِشوت دو) تاڪي تم لوگو
ن ڪي مال ڪا ايڪ حصّه اِس طرح غلط طور پر حاصِل ڪرو“
ايڪ طرف تو دولت ڪا جمع ڪرنا دينِ اِسلام ۾ ناجائز اور ناقابلِ مُعافي جُرم قرار ديا گيا هي. اور پهر يه جمع مال بهي باطل طريقون سي هو جو اِسلام مين حرام مال ڪي مُترادف هي. اصلاً يه هي ڪي جب ڪوئي مِلّت گمراه هوتي هي تو وه اپني دين ڪي اُصولون هي سي اِنحراف ڪي راه اِختيار ڪرليتي هي.اور يه حالت هوتي هي.
أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ ﴿١﴾ حَتَّىٰ زُرْتُمُ الْمَقَابِرَ ﴿٢﴾ كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٣﴾ ثُمَّ كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٤﴾ كَلَّا لَوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عِلْمَ الْيَقِينِ ﴿٥﴾ لَتَرَوُنَّ الْجَحِيمَ ﴿٦﴾ ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّهَا عَيْنَ الْيَقِينِ﴿٧﴾ ثُمَّ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِيمِ ﴿٨﴾ (لوگو) تم کو (مال کی) بہت سی طلب نے غافل کر دیا (١) یہاں تک کہ تم نے قبریں جا دیکھیں (٢) دیکھو تمہیں عنقریب معلوم ہو جائے گا (٣) پھر دیکھو تمہیں عنقریب معلوم ہو جائے گا (٤) دیکھو اگر تم جانتے (یعنی) علم الیقین (رکھتے تو غفلت نہ کرتے) (٥) تم ضرور دوزخ کو دیکھو گے (٦) پھر اس کو (ایسا) دیکھو گے (کہ) عین الیقین (آ جائے گا) (٧) پھر اس روز تم سے (شکر) نعمت کے بارے میں پرسش ہو گی (٨) سورة التڪاثر ، مترجمه _علامه فتح محمد جالندهري
ايڪ دوسري سي مال و دولت بڙهاني ڪي چڪر ني ايسا غافل ڪيا ڪي ، يه سلسله قبر تڪ پهنچني تڪ تم تَرَڪ نهين ڪروگي يعني بلآخر هلاڪت تڪ پهنچ ڪر رهوگي.
اِن مُحڪماتِ قُرآني رو سي بلا محنت و مُشّقت پيشوائيت ڪي لِباده ۾ حُصولِ مال ڪو اور بيگار ڪو الله تعاليٰ ني قطعاً حرام قرار ديا هي ، تاڪي انساني مُعاشره ۾ ڪُڇ ناڪاره ، عيّار و چالاڪ، نااهل و ڪامچور ، نِکڻهو ، محنت و مُشقّت سي اِجتناب ڪرڪي بني نوع انسان اور مُعاشره پر بوجھ نه بَنين اور ملّت ڪي معيشت پر بارِ گِران نه هون.
اشتراڪيتِ دولت ڪي قرآني اصول
و مسئله ملڪيت زمين و مزارعت
قرآن و احاديث اور
عمل و روايات اصحابه ڪي روشني مين
تاليف: ميرغلام قادر همداني
الله تعالي جي ڪلام قرآن حڪيم ۽ سنة رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم و اصحاب ڪرام عظام
جي ڪلام قول بيان عمل جي روشنيءَ ۾ انسان پنهنجي ضروت کان وڌيڪ مال ڌن دولت کي رکڻ قطعاَ حرام ناجائز آهي وقت جا رسول نبيءَ خليفه نائب حاڪم محاسب عادل قوت سگهه رکندڙ اهڙي قسم جي حرام مال ڌن دولت کي ظالمن جي هٿان کسي مسڪينن محتاجن ۾ ورهائيندا، اهو اسلام جو قانون دستور آئين اصول آهي، جيڪڏهن ڪو به انسان پنهنجي ضرورت کان وڌيڪ ڌن دولت مال ملڪيت ٿو رکي اهو مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي جي انقلابي اصولن مطابق واجب القتل آهي، ڇوته اهو دنيا ۾ فساد فتنو ڦهلائي مسڪينن محتاجن کي قتل ٿو ڪرڻ چاهي. هاڻ اهو ڪئن ٿئي تنهن لاء قرآن اصول دستور مطابق انقلاب جي گهرج آهي
وڌيڪ هن تفصيل لاء مطالعو ڪيو وڃي قرآن حڪيم ۽ سنة احاديث، فقهاء اسلام مجتهدين اسلام قياس و اجماع وغيره کي پڻ هيٺين ڪتاب جو
1.شرح معاني الآثار جلدپهريون ، باب مزارعة و امساقاة ، صحفه 234،
للامام ابي جعفر احمد بن محمد الازدي المصري الطحاوي رح
2. سماجي انصاف اور اجتماعيت شاهه ولي الله ڪي نظر مين (اردو) تاليف علامه غلام مصطفي قاسمي، شاهه ولي الله اڪيڊمي ، حيدرآباد،سنڌ
3. سماجي انصاف ۽ اجتماعيت شاهه ولي الله جي نظر مين، (سنڌي) علامه غلام مصطفي قاسمي رح ، سنڌيڪار مولانا محمد قاسم سومرو ، ساگر پبلشنگ هائوس ڪراچي،سنڌ
4ميزان الاهي ، امام غزالي رح، مطبعه زاويه لاهور.
5. تفسير الهام الرحمن، مجموعه تفاسير، قرآني دستور انقلاب، جنگ انقلاب سورة قتال جو ترجمه، عنوان انقلاب، سنڌي اردوءَ ۾ جيڪي ڪتابامام انقلاب مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي رح جن لکايا آهن_المسڪين جوکيو شفيق احمد
by Jokhio Shafique Ahmed on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 7:37am
هن مضمون کي پڙهڻ کان پهريون ذهن ۾ اهو رکڻ گهرجي ته مون مسڪين اصل مضمون م ڪنهن به قسم جي ڦير ڦار ناهي ڪئي ، رڳو آيتن جو ترجمه هڪ سائٽ تنزيل ڊوٽ تان ورتو آهي ؛ ڇو ته مئولف قرآن آيتن جا حواله ناهن لکيا هاڻي صاحب تاليف جو اصل مضمون پڙهيو وڃي
پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اجاره داري اور نذر نياز ڪو ناجائز قرار ديا
تاڪه بِلا محنت مال ڪي حصول ڪِي صُورت پيدا نه هو پائي
مرتبه_المسڪين فقير الي الله
جوکيو شفيق احمد
رسول اڪرم صلي الله عليه وآلہ وسلم ني حلال رزق ڪي حصول پر بهت زور ديا هي اور قرآن ۾ بِهي الله تعاليٰ ني اس باري ۾ متعدد مقامات پر ناجائز طريقون سي بلا محنت حصول رزق وحصولِ مال ڪي ڪوششون اور صورتون ڪو انتهائي بري بات اور جرم قرار ديا هي. اهلِ يهود اور نصارا (عيسائي) ڪي مذاهب ۾ دين فطرت سي انحراف ڪي بعد جو برائيان جَڙ پڪڙ گئين تهين اُن مين عظيم بُرائي يه ڀِي تِهي ڪي اُن ڪي عُلماءَ و مشائخ اَپني آستاني قائم ڪرڪي اِس بات ڪي مُدَّعِي ٿي ڪي وُه بَراهِ راست خُدا سي تعلُّق رکتي هين اور وُه عوام النّاس ڪي ذِهنون پر اِس طرح اپني روحانيت (پيشوائيت) ڪا اثر جَماتي رهتي ڪي اگر ڪوئي فرد يا گُروھ اُن ڪي عزَّت و تڪريم ۾ ڪَمي ڪرتا تو اُس ڪو جهنَّمِي اور خطاڪار قرار ديتي. اِس طرح اپني زُهدُ و تقويٰ ڪي لباده ۾ اپني آستانون ڪي اَندر بيٺ ڪر يه تاثر جماتي رهتي ڪي جن لوگون سي يه خوش هوڪر ُانڪي لِئي خدا سي نِجاتِ اُخروِي اور دنيا ڪي ڀلائي ڪي دُعاڪرينگي. الله تعاليٰ اُن ڪي تمام گُناه مُعَاف ڪرڪي اُنڪو جنّت ۾ جَگَه ديگا اور دنيا ۾ بِهي خوشحالي و ڪامراني ــ
عوام النّاس (لوگ) اُنڪي خوشنُودِي اور رضا حاصِل ڪرني ڪي لِئي اُنڪي پاس آتي هين اور بيش بهَا نَذراني پيش ڪرتي ، جس پر يه رُئُوسا (رَئيس) اور اُمَراء (امير ) ڪي طرح بَڙي ڻهاڻهه (عيش) ڪي زندگي گُزارتي الله تعاليٰ ني بعثتِ رَسول (صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم ) (يعني سيدنا محمد ڪريم صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم ) ڪي بعد قُرآنِ حڪيم ۾ اِن الفاظ ۾ اعلان فرماڪر اِس نوع ڪي حصولِ رِزق و مال و دولت ڪو ناجائز اور باطل (حرام) قرار ديدِيا..
١. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْأَحْبَارِ وَالرُّهْبَانِ لَيَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ النَّاسِ بِالْبَاطِلِوَيَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ وَالَّذِينَ يَكْنِزُونَ الذَّهَبَ وَالْفِضَّةَ وَلَا يُنفِقُونَهَا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ ﴿التوبة: ٣٤﴾ مومنو! (اہل کتاب کے) بہت سے عالم اور مشائخ لوگوں کا مال ناحق کھاتے اور (ان کو) راہ خدا سے روکتے ہیں۔ اور جو لوگ سونا اور چاندی جمع کرتے ہیں اور اس کو خدا کے رستے میں خرچ نہیں کرتے۔ ان کو اس دن عذاب الیم کی خبر سنادو (٣٤) سورة التوبة ،مترجمه علام فتح محمد جالندهري رح
مئولف جو لکيل ترجمه_مذهبي پيشوائون اور نسلي اِجاره دار مشائخ اور عُلماء ايسي لوگون ڪا مال باطل (ناجائز) طريقون سي کاتي هين يعني نذر و نياز وصول ڪرتي هين.
اِس طرح قُرآن حڪيم ني مُختلِف الفاظ ۾ اِس نِهِج ڪي حصولِ مال ڪو ناجائز باطل يعني حرام قرار ديا هي . اور خود رسولِ اڪرم سيدنا مُحمّد صلي الله عليه وآلِہِ وسلم ني اپني اُوپر اور اپني خاندان ڪي اَفراد اور اولاد پر صدقات و نِياز ڪو حرام قرار ديڪر پيشوائيت ڪي نسلي اِجاره داري ڪي ذريعي حصولِ مال ڪي اِس باطل ذريعي ڪو مُسلمانون پر هميشه ڪي لئي بند ڪرديا اور آپ يه ڪا اهم اِنقِلابي قدم تها، ڪيونڪي اِس لِباده ۾ اڪثر بد ديانت ، رياڪار، رياڪار،ڪامچور، چالاڪ لوگ ڪثرت سي شريڪ هوسڪتي هين، ڪيونڪه اِن ڪي جاه و جلال ڪي اِن ڪي گِرد عوام ڪي ڀِيڙ ڪو ديک ڪر اڪثر حاڪمِ وقت ڀي اِنڪو اپني قرابت دارون اور درباريون ۾ شامل ڪر ليتي هين تاڪي اِن ڪي لِباده ڪي اندر ڇُپي هوئي اثرات سي وه ڀي مُستفيد هون اور وه ڀي عوام النّاس ڪا مال خزانه عامِره سي اپني عيش و عشرت پر بِلا روڪ ڻوڪ صرف ڪرين اور يه پيشوا اُن ڪي تائيد و نصرت اور پرده پوشي ۾ ممدو معاوِن (مددگار) بني رَهين. عوام اُن حالات ڪي پيدا هوجاني پر اور بهي اِن ڪي گِرد گهومتي رهين تاڪه اِن ڪي خوشنودي سي وه اپني چهوٽي ڇوٽي غرضين حڪام سي سفارشات ڪي ذريعي پورا ڪرين. اِن سي دُعا ڪرائين اور اهل ڪارانِ دولت ڪي لئي سفارشات اِس طرح وه اپني پيشوائون ڪي ڪَئي اَهَم اورضروري ڪام بھي مُفت اور بيگار ۾ ڪرتي هين اور اِن ڪا بُهُت سا روپيا بچ جاتا هي. اور يون دولت ”دن دوني اور رات چُوني“ ڪرتي هي اور وه آناً فاناً چوٽي ڪي مالدارون مين شُمار هوني لگتي هين. جس قدرمال بڙهتا هي اُسي قدر اُن ڪي گِرد عوام ڪا جُهمگٽّا بڙهتا هي اور لوگ مَحُو حِيرت ره جاتي هين اور يقين ڪرني لگتي هين ڪي يه حضرات في الحَقيقت صاحِب ”ڪرامات“ اور صاحِب علم و عرفان هين.
حقيقت يه هي ڪي اِن لوگون ڪي تو ڪمائي اور خوراڪ و لِباس سب اُڪُل حرام هوتي هي. اور جس ڪي خوراڪ پوشاڪ هي سب مالِ حرام سي حاصل ڪيا گيا هو اُس ڪي عبادت ،اُسڪي رياضت ، اُس ڪي عِبادت و سپاس گزاري يا دُعا ڪب قبوليت ڪا درجه رکتي هي. اُن ڪي اعمال رياڪاري پر مبني هوتي هين اور تمام اعمال ” حَبِطَت اَعمَالُهُم“ ڪي زُمري ۾ شامل هوتي هين ، اِسڪا ڪوئي خاص اَجَر دُنيا ۾ هرگِز هرگِز نهين هوتا. اِس نِهج ڪي بزرگ اَب هماري اِسلامي مُعاشِري ۾ ڪثرت سي پيدا هوچڪي هين . شهرون ۾ ڀي هين مگر ديهات و قصبات اور پسمانده علاقون ۾ اِن ڪي بهتات هي
قُرآن ۾ هي:- وَأَن لَّيْسَ لِلْإِنسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ ﴿٣٩﴾ اور یہ کہ انسان کو وہی ملتا ہے جس کی وہ کوشش کرتا ہے _ سورت النجم ، مترجمه علامه فتح محمد جالندهري رح.
وَأَن لَّيْسَ لِلْإِنسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ ﴿٣٩﴾ امام انقلاب مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي رح ني اس آيت ڪا ترجمه اس ڪيا هي ڪه: جو انسان جتني محنت ڪري اس اتني هي اجرت ملي ، يعني ايڪ انسان سارا دن خون جلائي ۽ اور پسينه بهائي مگر اس ڪو اجرت مقرر ڪرڪي دي جائي جو سراسر ظلم هي اور دوسري طرف ايڪ ظالم انسان نه ڪوئي خون جلائي نه پسينه بهائي؛ مگر اس ڪو خون جلاني اور پسينه بهاني ڪي مقابله مين اتنا مال ملي ڪي جس ڪا وه حقدار هي نهين ؟ جس ڪي نتيجه مين سوسائيڻي مين بگاڙ پيدا هوگا_المسڪين جوکيو شفيق احمد
وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتُدْلُوا بِهَا إِلَى الْحُكَّامِ لِتَأْكُلُوا فَرِيقًا مِّنْ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالْإِثْمِ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٨٨﴾ اور ایک دوسرے کا مال ناحق نہ کھاؤ اورنہ اس کو (رشوةً) حاکموں کے پاس پہنچاؤ تاکہ لوگوں کے مال کا کچھ حصہ ناجائز طور پر کھا جاؤ اور (اسے) تم جانتے بھی ہو _ سورة البقره ، مترجمه علامه فتح محمد جالندهري
”آپس ۾ تم لوگ ايڪ دوسري ڪا مال ناجائز طريقي سي نه کائو اور نه هي حُڪّام ڪو مال دو ( يعني رِشوت دو) تاڪي تم لوگو
ن ڪي مال ڪا ايڪ حصّه اِس طرح غلط طور پر حاصِل ڪرو“
ايڪ طرف تو دولت ڪا جمع ڪرنا دينِ اِسلام ۾ ناجائز اور ناقابلِ مُعافي جُرم قرار ديا گيا هي. اور پهر يه جمع مال بهي باطل طريقون سي هو جو اِسلام مين حرام مال ڪي مُترادف هي. اصلاً يه هي ڪي جب ڪوئي مِلّت گمراه هوتي هي تو وه اپني دين ڪي اُصولون هي سي اِنحراف ڪي راه اِختيار ڪرليتي هي.اور يه حالت هوتي هي.
أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ ﴿١﴾ حَتَّىٰ زُرْتُمُ الْمَقَابِرَ ﴿٢﴾ كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٣﴾ ثُمَّ كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٤﴾ كَلَّا لَوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عِلْمَ الْيَقِينِ ﴿٥﴾ لَتَرَوُنَّ الْجَحِيمَ ﴿٦﴾ ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّهَا عَيْنَ الْيَقِينِ﴿٧﴾ ثُمَّ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِيمِ ﴿٨﴾ (لوگو) تم کو (مال کی) بہت سی طلب نے غافل کر دیا (١) یہاں تک کہ تم نے قبریں جا دیکھیں (٢) دیکھو تمہیں عنقریب معلوم ہو جائے گا (٣) پھر دیکھو تمہیں عنقریب معلوم ہو جائے گا (٤) دیکھو اگر تم جانتے (یعنی) علم الیقین (رکھتے تو غفلت نہ کرتے) (٥) تم ضرور دوزخ کو دیکھو گے (٦) پھر اس کو (ایسا) دیکھو گے (کہ) عین الیقین (آ جائے گا) (٧) پھر اس روز تم سے (شکر) نعمت کے بارے میں پرسش ہو گی (٨) سورة التڪاثر ، مترجمه _علامه فتح محمد جالندهري
ايڪ دوسري سي مال و دولت بڙهاني ڪي چڪر ني ايسا غافل ڪيا ڪي ، يه سلسله قبر تڪ پهنچني تڪ تم تَرَڪ نهين ڪروگي يعني بلآخر هلاڪت تڪ پهنچ ڪر رهوگي.
اِن مُحڪماتِ قُرآني رو سي بلا محنت و مُشّقت پيشوائيت ڪي لِباده ۾ حُصولِ مال ڪو اور بيگار ڪو الله تعاليٰ ني قطعاً حرام قرار ديا هي ، تاڪي انساني مُعاشره ۾ ڪُڇ ناڪاره ، عيّار و چالاڪ، نااهل و ڪامچور ، نِکڻهو ، محنت و مُشقّت سي اِجتناب ڪرڪي بني نوع انسان اور مُعاشره پر بوجھ نه بَنين اور ملّت ڪي معيشت پر بارِ گِران نه هون.
اشتراڪيتِ دولت ڪي قرآني اصول
و مسئله ملڪيت زمين و مزارعت
قرآن و احاديث اور
عمل و روايات اصحابه ڪي روشني مين
تاليف: ميرغلام قادر همداني
الله تعالي جي ڪلام قرآن حڪيم ۽ سنة رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم و اصحاب ڪرام عظام
جي ڪلام قول بيان عمل جي روشنيءَ ۾ انسان پنهنجي ضروت کان وڌيڪ مال ڌن دولت کي رکڻ قطعاَ حرام ناجائز آهي وقت جا رسول نبيءَ خليفه نائب حاڪم محاسب عادل قوت سگهه رکندڙ اهڙي قسم جي حرام مال ڌن دولت کي ظالمن جي هٿان کسي مسڪينن محتاجن ۾ ورهائيندا، اهو اسلام جو قانون دستور آئين اصول آهي، جيڪڏهن ڪو به انسان پنهنجي ضرورت کان وڌيڪ ڌن دولت مال ملڪيت ٿو رکي اهو مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي جي انقلابي اصولن مطابق واجب القتل آهي، ڇوته اهو دنيا ۾ فساد فتنو ڦهلائي مسڪينن محتاجن کي قتل ٿو ڪرڻ چاهي. هاڻ اهو ڪئن ٿئي تنهن لاء قرآن اصول دستور مطابق انقلاب جي گهرج آهي
وڌيڪ هن تفصيل لاء مطالعو ڪيو وڃي قرآن حڪيم ۽ سنة احاديث، فقهاء اسلام مجتهدين اسلام قياس و اجماع وغيره کي پڻ هيٺين ڪتاب جو
1.شرح معاني الآثار جلدپهريون ، باب مزارعة و امساقاة ، صحفه 234،
للامام ابي جعفر احمد بن محمد الازدي المصري الطحاوي رح
2. سماجي انصاف اور اجتماعيت شاهه ولي الله ڪي نظر مين (اردو) تاليف علامه غلام مصطفي قاسمي، شاهه ولي الله اڪيڊمي ، حيدرآباد،سنڌ
3. سماجي انصاف ۽ اجتماعيت شاهه ولي الله جي نظر مين، (سنڌي) علامه غلام مصطفي قاسمي رح ، سنڌيڪار مولانا محمد قاسم سومرو ، ساگر پبلشنگ هائوس ڪراچي،سنڌ
4ميزان الاهي ، امام غزالي رح، مطبعه زاويه لاهور.
5. تفسير الهام الرحمن، مجموعه تفاسير، قرآني دستور انقلاب، جنگ انقلاب سورة قتال جو ترجمه، عنوان انقلاب، سنڌي اردوءَ ۾ جيڪي ڪتابامام انقلاب مولانا عبيد الله سنڌي رح جن لکايا آهن_المسڪين جوکيو شفيق احمد
Thursday, 28 April 2011
الله, محمد عليه الصلواة والسلام ۽ سندن اصحاب ڪرام رضه: شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جي تعليمات ۽ فڪر جي روشنيءَ ۾
الله جل جلاله، سيد الانبياء سيدنا محمد مصطفيٰ احمد مجتبيٰ خاتم الانبياء عليه الصلواة والسلام ۽ سندن اصحاب ڪرام رضوان الله عنهم اجمعين: شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جي تعليمات ۽ فڪر جي روشنيءَ ۾ ؟
شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جن
شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جو_ الله تعالي ۽ سندس ٻانهي سيدنا محمد مصطفي احمد مجتبي عليه الصلواة ۽ سندن اصحاب ڪرام رضوان الله عنهم اجمعين بابت فڪر ! :
ته شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جن پنهنجي خالق الله بديع السموات و الارض ۽ سندس پياري رسول آخر الزمان محمد رسول الله صلي عليه وسلم ۽ وري پنهنجي ان رسول محمد ڪريم صلي الله عليه وسلم جن جي اصحاب ڪرام رضوان الله تعالي عنهم اجمعين جي واکاڻ م ڇا ٿا چون؟ پڙهيو وڃي! پر پهرين هيٺ لکيل قرآن حڪيم جي تلاوت ڪري پوء ترجمه ڀيٽي ڏٺو وڃي، تنهن بعد شاهه رح جا بيت پڙهيا وڃن ته؛ شاهه ڪهڙي سوره جو ترجمه ڪيو آهي؟
سُوره الفتح مدني آھي ۽ ھيءَ اڻٽيهه آيتون ۽ چار رڪوع آھي
الله ٻاجھاري مھربان جي نالي سان (شروع)48
27. بيشڪ الله پنھنجي پيغمبر کي سچو خواب ڏيکاريو، ته جيڪڏھن الله گھريو آھي ته پنھنجا مٿا ڪوڙائي ۽ وار ڪترائي تعظيم واريءَ مسجد ۾ بي ڀوا ٿي ضرور گھڙندؤ (۽) نه ڊڄندؤ، پوءِ جيڪي نه ڄاڻندا آھيو سو الله ڄاتو پوءِ اُن کان اڳ ھڪ ويجھي فتح ڏني.
28. (الله) اُھو آھي جنھن پنھنجي پيغمبر کي ھدايت ۽ سچي دين سان موڪليو ته اُن کي سڀني دينن تي غالب ڪري، ۽ الله شاھد ڪافي آھي.
29.مُحمّد الله جو موڪليل آھي، ۽ جيڪي سندس سنگتي آھن سي ڪافرن تي ڏاڍا سخت آھن ۽ پاڻ ۾ مھربان آھن کين رڪوع ڪندڙ سجدو ڪندڙ ڏسندو آھين الله جو فضل ۽ رضامندي طلبيندا آھن، انھن جي نشاني سندن منھن ۾ سجدي جي اثر کان (پڌري) آھي، اھا سندن وصف توريت ۾ آھي، ۽ سندس وصف اِنجيل ۾ آھي، (اھي) اُنھيءَ پوک وانگر آھن جنھن پنھنجو سَلو ڪڍيو پوءِ اُن کي مضبوط ڪيائين پوءِ ٿلھو ٿيو پوءِ پنھنجي سلي تي سڌي بيٺي جو ڪڙمين کي پئي وڻي (اسلامي غلبي جو به آخر اھڙو حال آھي) تانجو مؤمنن جي (ڏسڻ) ڪري ڪافرن کي ڪاوڙائي، جن ايمان آندو ۽ منجھائن چڱا ڪم ڪيا (تن کي) بخشش ۽ وڏي اجر جو الله انجام ڏنو آھي.
هي مٿين آيتن جو ترجمه آهي؛ جيڪو شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح سائين سر يمن ڪلياڻ م ڳايو هو، جنهن کي سنڌ جي منافق مجوسين يهودين اديبڙن رسالي مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو وري جي چون ته شاهه جو رسالو قرآن آهي ؟ منافق جون ٽي نشانيون
1، امانت م خيانت 2 ڪوڙ ڳالهائڻ 3 وعده وفائي نه ڪرڻ 4 گاريون ڏيڻ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
1 _سر ڪلياڻ.
فصل پهريون.
االله عليم اعلي عَالَمَ جو ڌڻِي
قادر پنهنجي قدرت سين قائم آهي قديم،
والي، واحد، وحدهُ، رازق، رَبُ، رحيمُ
سو ساراههِ سچو ڌڻي، چئي حَمدُ حڪيمَ
ڪري پاڻَ ڪريمُ جوڙي جوڙ جهان جي
ڪري پاڻَ ڪَريمُ جوڙي جوڙ جهان جيون
(1) جوڙي جوڙ جهان جي جڏهن جوڙيائين
خاوند خاصُ خَلِقَي مُحَمَدُ صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم مڪائين.
ڪَلمو تَنهن ڪريمَ تي چٽو چايائين.
اَنَا مولاڪَ و اَنتَ محبوبِي اِئين اُتائين
ڏِکي ڏنائين، ٻَئِي سَرائون سَيدُ چئي
(2) جوڙي جوڙ جهان جِي پاڻ ڪيائين پروار
حامِي،هادي،هاشمي سردارين سردار
سُونهي صحابين سَٿَ ۾ منجهه مسجد مڻيادار
چارئِي چڱا چوڌار، هُوَا هيڪاندا حبيب سين
(3) وحدهُ لا شريڪ لهُ چَئو چَوندو آءُ
فرض واجب سنتون تِنئَون تَرڪ مَ پاءِ
توبه سَندي تسبيحَ پَڙِهي سَا پُڄاءِ
نِگا پنهنجي نفس کي، سَئِين رَاهَ سُونهَاءِ
سُپَرِيان جي ڳالَهڙِي، هِيءَ هِنين سين لاءِ
تَه سَندي دوزخ باهِ، تو اوڏيائي نه وڃي.
شاه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جو رسالو.
مرزا قليچ بيگ رح. صفحه _11
سنڌي لينگوئيج اٿارٽي،
سن 2007
تمدن اسلاميءَ ۾ سنڌيءَ جي اهم حيثيت ۽ سائين جي ايم سيد
املاء ڪندڙ جوکيو شفيق احمد
فاتح قوم ، مفتوح قوم جي ملڪ وٺڻ بعد ، سڀ کان پهريون انهن جي ملڪي زبان جون پاڙون ڪپيندي آهي ، تاڪه زبان کي ختم ڪري ، قوم جون قومي خصوصيات ۽ انجو علمي سرمايو ناس ڪري ختم ڪري ڇڏي ، جنهن تي انهي , قوم جي غيرت ، فڪر ، تخيل ۽ قومي ڪردار جو بنياد هوندو آهي ، انهن مٿان ڌاري زبان مڙهي انهن کي ذهني غلاميء ۾ مبتلا ڪري ڇڏيندي آهي ، تاڪِ (ته جيئن) ان قوم جو روح فنا ٿي وڃي ، غيرت ۽ حميت هلي وڃي ، ۽ هو فاتح قوم جي مقابلي ۾ ڪڏهين به اسري ۽ اڀري نه سگهي.
اهو مسلمه اصول آهي ته جسماني غلامي ، قومن کي ختم ڪري نه سگهندي آهي؛ جيڪڏهن قوم کي ڪابه غلامي هميشه لاءِ نيست نابود ڪري ڇڏيندي آهي ته اها ذهني غلامي آهي، جا (جيڪا) محض زبان جي بدلائڻ ذريعي آڻي سگهبي آهي.
صفحه _257 موجوده سياسي مسئلا_ سائين جي ايم سيد.
سنڌي زماني جي سردين گرمين ۾ پاڻُ جهلي جُداگانه زبان جي حيثيت حاصل ڪري ويئي، جڏهن ٻيون سندس هم نسل زبانون گهڻو ڪِري پيون.ديباچو !_2
تمدن اسلاميءَ ۾ سنڌيءَ جي اهم حيثيت.
مضمونَ جي شروع ۾ بيان ٿي چڪو آهي ته قومي ۽ زباني مسئلي تي اسلامي تهذيبَ ۽ تمدن جي نقطي نگاهه کان پڻ سوچيو وڃي ٿو ، ۽ ان نقطي نظر کان صرف عربيءَ کي ئي قومي زبان بنجڻ جو حق حاصل ٿي سگهي ٿو. مگر اردو جا طرفدار جي اسلامي جذبي کي اردو زبان جي خاطر استعمال ڪرڻ چاهين ٿا، سي دعويٰ ڪن ٿا ته اردو زبان اسلامي تمدن جي جي پيداوار آهي ۽ ِاها ئي مسلمانن جي بنايل زبان آهي انهيءَ ڪري انهي کي قومي زبان بنايو وڃي. مگر تواريخ شاهد آهي ته جيڪڏهن هن برِعظيم هندوستان جي ڪنهن به زبان تي صحيح اسلامي فڪر جو اثر پيو ۽ جنهن کي سڀ اول مسلمانن پنهنجو ، ڪري سمجهو (سمجهيو) سا فقط سنڌي زبان ئي آهي.
هيٺيون حقيقتون انهي نظريي جي تائيد ڪن ٿيون:- الف_ سنڌي ٻولي انهي ملڪ جي زبان آهي جو برعظيم ۾ سڀ کان اول مسلمانن جي حڪومت هيٺ آيو. اهي قُرُونُ اُولَي ا جا عرب مسلمان هيا جن اصحاب، تابعين ۽ تبع تابعين (هئا)هيا ۽ اهي صحيح اسلامي فڪر ۽ ڪردار سان سان سنڌ ۾ داخلا ٿيا ۽ انهي ڪري سنڌ باب الاسلام بني ۽ سنڌ جي ٻوليءَ تي پڻ صحيح اسلامي فِڪِرَ ۽ تَمَدُن جو اثر پيو.
ب_ انهن عَرَبَ مسلمانن پنهنجي رواداريءَ، صحيح علمي ڄاڻ ۽ ملڪ جي ڀلي خاطر سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي زور وٺايو، ايتري قدر جو سنڌي زبان جي شاعرن کي عرب دنيا سان روشناس ڪرايائون.چوٿِين صدي هجريءَجي هڪ عرب عالم پنهنجي ڪتاب ”روضَةُ العُقَلا“ ۾ سنه187 هه کان به اڳ جو هڪ تاريخي واقعو بيان ڪيو آهي ته ڪيئن هڪ سنڌي شاعر عباسي خليفن جي مشهور وزير يحيٰ بن خالد برمڪِي کي پنهنجو سنڌي زبان ۾ چَيَلُ قصيدو ٻڌايو ، جنهن تي کيس هڪ هزار دينار انعام طور مليا. مطلب ته عربن سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي زور وٺرايو ۽ انکي ساڳيو عربيءَ جھڙو درجو ڏنو. چوٿين صدي هجريءَ ۾ جڏهين سنڌ ۾ عربي دورِ حڪومت قائم هو ، تڏهن مشهور عرب سياح ،ِابنِ حوقل ، لکي ٿو ته ملڪ جي خاص زبانون سنڌي ۽ عربي آهن. هن حوالي مان ظاهر آهي ته عربن ، عربيءَ سان گڏ سنڌيءَ کي به ملڪي ٻوليءَ جي درجي تي پھچايو.
(ج) ھن برعظيم ۾ سنڌي پهرين زبان هئي ، جا عربي خط ۾ لکي ويئي . ”روضة العقلا“ جي مصنف سنه 187ھه کان اڳ انھي سنڌي شاعر جي سنڌي ۾ چيل قصيدي جو هڪ شعر عربي خط ۾ نقل ڪيو آهي ، جو هن اڳين ڪتابن تان نقل ڪيو هوندو: جنھنجي معنيٰ ته اھو سنڌي قصيدو بروقت عربي خط ۾ نقل ڪيو هو. هيءَ حقيقت ثابت ڪري ٿي ته سنڌي ٻولي ٻي صدي هجريءَ جي آخر کان وٺي ،عربيءَ خط ۾ لکجڻ شروع ٿي ۽ اڄ ڏينھن تائين انھيءَ خط ۾ لکجي پئي.هن وقت به سواءِ عربيءَ جي ، فقط سنڌي ٻولي دنيا جي مکيه ٻولين مان هڪ واحد زبان آهي، جا انهيءَ اوائلي اسلامي تمدن جي اثر هيٺ خَطِّ نَسَخَ ۾ لکي وڃي ٿي.
انھن مٿين حقيقتن مان ظاهر آهي ته هن برعظيم جي مڙني ٻولين ۾ فقط سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي اسلامي تمدن جي نقطي نظر کان اهم درجو آهي. انجي ڀيٽ ۾ اردوخ ته ڪنڌ کڻڻ جي قابل ئي قابل ئي نه آهي. اردو مغلن جي تنزل جي دور جي پيدائش آهي ، جنهن وقت قُرون اُوليٰ وارو اسلامي فڪر ۽ تمدن ختم ٿي چڪو هو. عربن سنڌيءَ کي عملا ۽ ارادتا (عملن ۽ ارادتن) ترقي ڏني ،مگر مغلن اردو کي عملا ۽ ارادتا( عملن ۽ ارادتن) زور ڪونه وٺايو ، بلڪ اها فوجي ضرورت سبب (سببان) پيدا ٿي . مغلن جي فوج ۾ هندو ، مسلمان سڀ شامل هئا ، انهيءَ ڪري اردو کي اصلا يا اصولن مسلمان جي ٻولي چوڻ به حقيقت جي برعڪس ٿيندو . جيئن عربن جي دور ۾ سنڌيءَ کي ملڪي ٻولي جو درجو حاصل هو. تيئن اردو کي مغلن جي دور ۾ ملڪي ٻوليءَ جو درجو ڪٿي به حاصل ڪونه هو. اردو فقط هڪ کچڻي (کچڙي) هُئي جا شاهي لشڪر جي بورچيخاني(رَڌڻي) تائين محدود هُئي . سنڌي هن برعظيم ۾ اسلامي طاقت جي بنيادجي بنيادي ٻولي هُئي ۽ انهيءَ ڪري اها خود داري ، غيرت ، مردانگي ۽ صحيح اسلامي فڪر جو آئينو بني. اردو مغلن جي زوال وقت زور ورتو ۽ اها هندوستان ۾ مسلمانن جي زوال جي نمايان نشان (سڃاڻپ) آهي. مسلمانن جي زوال جي پيدا ڪَيَل ٻوليءَ کي دورِ آزاديءَ جي ٻولي بنائڻ نفسياتي طور غلط آهي. جيئن ته غلامانه دور ۾ هن ٻوليءَ ترقي ڪئي . انھيءَ ڪري انجي افڪار (فِڪر) تي به غلاميءَ جو رنگ چڙهيل آهي : مرثيه خواني ، شڪسته ذهنيت ، نااميدي ، طعنه زني ، مدح سرائي ، مُشاعِرن جي دماغي عياشيءَ ۾ ڀٽن واري واھ واھ_ اردو جي شاعريءَ جون نُمايان (واضح) خصوصيتون آهن . اردوءَ جي نثر جو وڏو حصو اڌارن خيالن ۽ ترجمي بازيءَ جو ڀنڊار آهي . خيالن جي علاوه (کانسواءِ) ٻين ٻولين مان ورتل لفظن ۾ رڳو تذڪير ۽ تانيث( مذڪر ۽ مئونث) جو صحيح فرق به قائم نه ڪيو ويو آهي ؛ نتيجو اِهو آهي جو اردوءَ ۾ ” ڪتاب“ مونث ، ”شرم“ مونث ته ”عَقُل“ به مونث آهي ، ۽ ”اخبار“ مذڪر آهي . ظرف زمان جو اِهو حال آهي ”ڪَلَّھ“ (ڪالھ) به ”ڪَلَّ“ آهي ته سُڀاڻي به ”ڪَلَّ“ آهي. باوجود ڪِن حضرات جي وَڏِين دعوائن جي ، اردو جي ترقيءَ جو معراج اِهو آهي!!
سائين جيم سيد جي ڪتاب جو مضمون پورو ٿيو.
(سنڌ جا موجوده سياسي مسئلا)
لیيکڪ :- سائين جي ايم سيّدُ_ تان ورتل
صفحه _ (257 ، 269 ،270 ، 271) هي مواد
اصل ڪتاب ۾ سائين جيم سيد جي هٿن
مبارڪ سان لکيل آهي
شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جن
شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جو_ الله تعالي ۽ سندس ٻانهي سيدنا محمد مصطفي احمد مجتبي عليه الصلواة ۽ سندن اصحاب ڪرام رضوان الله عنهم اجمعين بابت فڪر ! :
ته شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جن پنهنجي خالق الله بديع السموات و الارض ۽ سندس پياري رسول آخر الزمان محمد رسول الله صلي عليه وسلم ۽ وري پنهنجي ان رسول محمد ڪريم صلي الله عليه وسلم جن جي اصحاب ڪرام رضوان الله تعالي عنهم اجمعين جي واکاڻ م ڇا ٿا چون؟ پڙهيو وڃي! پر پهرين هيٺ لکيل قرآن حڪيم جي تلاوت ڪري پوء ترجمه ڀيٽي ڏٺو وڃي، تنهن بعد شاهه رح جا بيت پڙهيا وڃن ته؛ شاهه ڪهڙي سوره جو ترجمه ڪيو آهي؟
سُوره الفتح مدني آھي ۽ ھيءَ اڻٽيهه آيتون ۽ چار رڪوع آھي
الله ٻاجھاري مھربان جي نالي سان (شروع)48
27. بيشڪ الله پنھنجي پيغمبر کي سچو خواب ڏيکاريو، ته جيڪڏھن الله گھريو آھي ته پنھنجا مٿا ڪوڙائي ۽ وار ڪترائي تعظيم واريءَ مسجد ۾ بي ڀوا ٿي ضرور گھڙندؤ (۽) نه ڊڄندؤ، پوءِ جيڪي نه ڄاڻندا آھيو سو الله ڄاتو پوءِ اُن کان اڳ ھڪ ويجھي فتح ڏني.
28. (الله) اُھو آھي جنھن پنھنجي پيغمبر کي ھدايت ۽ سچي دين سان موڪليو ته اُن کي سڀني دينن تي غالب ڪري، ۽ الله شاھد ڪافي آھي.
29.مُحمّد الله جو موڪليل آھي، ۽ جيڪي سندس سنگتي آھن سي ڪافرن تي ڏاڍا سخت آھن ۽ پاڻ ۾ مھربان آھن کين رڪوع ڪندڙ سجدو ڪندڙ ڏسندو آھين الله جو فضل ۽ رضامندي طلبيندا آھن، انھن جي نشاني سندن منھن ۾ سجدي جي اثر کان (پڌري) آھي، اھا سندن وصف توريت ۾ آھي، ۽ سندس وصف اِنجيل ۾ آھي، (اھي) اُنھيءَ پوک وانگر آھن جنھن پنھنجو سَلو ڪڍيو پوءِ اُن کي مضبوط ڪيائين پوءِ ٿلھو ٿيو پوءِ پنھنجي سلي تي سڌي بيٺي جو ڪڙمين کي پئي وڻي (اسلامي غلبي جو به آخر اھڙو حال آھي) تانجو مؤمنن جي (ڏسڻ) ڪري ڪافرن کي ڪاوڙائي، جن ايمان آندو ۽ منجھائن چڱا ڪم ڪيا (تن کي) بخشش ۽ وڏي اجر جو الله انجام ڏنو آھي.
هي مٿين آيتن جو ترجمه آهي؛ جيڪو شاهه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح سائين سر يمن ڪلياڻ م ڳايو هو، جنهن کي سنڌ جي منافق مجوسين يهودين اديبڙن رسالي مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو وري جي چون ته شاهه جو رسالو قرآن آهي ؟ منافق جون ٽي نشانيون
1، امانت م خيانت 2 ڪوڙ ڳالهائڻ 3 وعده وفائي نه ڪرڻ 4 گاريون ڏيڻ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
1 _سر ڪلياڻ.
فصل پهريون.
االله عليم اعلي عَالَمَ جو ڌڻِي
قادر پنهنجي قدرت سين قائم آهي قديم،
والي، واحد، وحدهُ، رازق، رَبُ، رحيمُ
سو ساراههِ سچو ڌڻي، چئي حَمدُ حڪيمَ
ڪري پاڻَ ڪريمُ جوڙي جوڙ جهان جي
ڪري پاڻَ ڪَريمُ جوڙي جوڙ جهان جيون
(1) جوڙي جوڙ جهان جي جڏهن جوڙيائين
خاوند خاصُ خَلِقَي مُحَمَدُ صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم مڪائين.
ڪَلمو تَنهن ڪريمَ تي چٽو چايائين.
اَنَا مولاڪَ و اَنتَ محبوبِي اِئين اُتائين
ڏِکي ڏنائين، ٻَئِي سَرائون سَيدُ چئي
(2) جوڙي جوڙ جهان جِي پاڻ ڪيائين پروار
حامِي،هادي،هاشمي سردارين سردار
سُونهي صحابين سَٿَ ۾ منجهه مسجد مڻيادار
چارئِي چڱا چوڌار، هُوَا هيڪاندا حبيب سين
(3) وحدهُ لا شريڪ لهُ چَئو چَوندو آءُ
فرض واجب سنتون تِنئَون تَرڪ مَ پاءِ
توبه سَندي تسبيحَ پَڙِهي سَا پُڄاءِ
نِگا پنهنجي نفس کي، سَئِين رَاهَ سُونهَاءِ
سُپَرِيان جي ڳالَهڙِي، هِيءَ هِنين سين لاءِ
تَه سَندي دوزخ باهِ، تو اوڏيائي نه وڃي.
شاه عبد اللطيف ڀٽائي رح جو رسالو.
مرزا قليچ بيگ رح. صفحه _11
سنڌي لينگوئيج اٿارٽي،
سن 2007
تمدن اسلاميءَ ۾ سنڌيءَ جي اهم حيثيت ۽ سائين جي ايم سيد
املاء ڪندڙ جوکيو شفيق احمد
فاتح قوم ، مفتوح قوم جي ملڪ وٺڻ بعد ، سڀ کان پهريون انهن جي ملڪي زبان جون پاڙون ڪپيندي آهي ، تاڪه زبان کي ختم ڪري ، قوم جون قومي خصوصيات ۽ انجو علمي سرمايو ناس ڪري ختم ڪري ڇڏي ، جنهن تي انهي , قوم جي غيرت ، فڪر ، تخيل ۽ قومي ڪردار جو بنياد هوندو آهي ، انهن مٿان ڌاري زبان مڙهي انهن کي ذهني غلاميء ۾ مبتلا ڪري ڇڏيندي آهي ، تاڪِ (ته جيئن) ان قوم جو روح فنا ٿي وڃي ، غيرت ۽ حميت هلي وڃي ، ۽ هو فاتح قوم جي مقابلي ۾ ڪڏهين به اسري ۽ اڀري نه سگهي.
اهو مسلمه اصول آهي ته جسماني غلامي ، قومن کي ختم ڪري نه سگهندي آهي؛ جيڪڏهن قوم کي ڪابه غلامي هميشه لاءِ نيست نابود ڪري ڇڏيندي آهي ته اها ذهني غلامي آهي، جا (جيڪا) محض زبان جي بدلائڻ ذريعي آڻي سگهبي آهي.
صفحه _257 موجوده سياسي مسئلا_ سائين جي ايم سيد.
سنڌي زماني جي سردين گرمين ۾ پاڻُ جهلي جُداگانه زبان جي حيثيت حاصل ڪري ويئي، جڏهن ٻيون سندس هم نسل زبانون گهڻو ڪِري پيون.ديباچو !_2
تمدن اسلاميءَ ۾ سنڌيءَ جي اهم حيثيت.
مضمونَ جي شروع ۾ بيان ٿي چڪو آهي ته قومي ۽ زباني مسئلي تي اسلامي تهذيبَ ۽ تمدن جي نقطي نگاهه کان پڻ سوچيو وڃي ٿو ، ۽ ان نقطي نظر کان صرف عربيءَ کي ئي قومي زبان بنجڻ جو حق حاصل ٿي سگهي ٿو. مگر اردو جا طرفدار جي اسلامي جذبي کي اردو زبان جي خاطر استعمال ڪرڻ چاهين ٿا، سي دعويٰ ڪن ٿا ته اردو زبان اسلامي تمدن جي جي پيداوار آهي ۽ ِاها ئي مسلمانن جي بنايل زبان آهي انهيءَ ڪري انهي کي قومي زبان بنايو وڃي. مگر تواريخ شاهد آهي ته جيڪڏهن هن برِعظيم هندوستان جي ڪنهن به زبان تي صحيح اسلامي فڪر جو اثر پيو ۽ جنهن کي سڀ اول مسلمانن پنهنجو ، ڪري سمجهو (سمجهيو) سا فقط سنڌي زبان ئي آهي.
هيٺيون حقيقتون انهي نظريي جي تائيد ڪن ٿيون:- الف_ سنڌي ٻولي انهي ملڪ جي زبان آهي جو برعظيم ۾ سڀ کان اول مسلمانن جي حڪومت هيٺ آيو. اهي قُرُونُ اُولَي ا جا عرب مسلمان هيا جن اصحاب، تابعين ۽ تبع تابعين (هئا)هيا ۽ اهي صحيح اسلامي فڪر ۽ ڪردار سان سان سنڌ ۾ داخلا ٿيا ۽ انهي ڪري سنڌ باب الاسلام بني ۽ سنڌ جي ٻوليءَ تي پڻ صحيح اسلامي فِڪِرَ ۽ تَمَدُن جو اثر پيو.
ب_ انهن عَرَبَ مسلمانن پنهنجي رواداريءَ، صحيح علمي ڄاڻ ۽ ملڪ جي ڀلي خاطر سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي زور وٺايو، ايتري قدر جو سنڌي زبان جي شاعرن کي عرب دنيا سان روشناس ڪرايائون.چوٿِين صدي هجريءَجي هڪ عرب عالم پنهنجي ڪتاب ”روضَةُ العُقَلا“ ۾ سنه187 هه کان به اڳ جو هڪ تاريخي واقعو بيان ڪيو آهي ته ڪيئن هڪ سنڌي شاعر عباسي خليفن جي مشهور وزير يحيٰ بن خالد برمڪِي کي پنهنجو سنڌي زبان ۾ چَيَلُ قصيدو ٻڌايو ، جنهن تي کيس هڪ هزار دينار انعام طور مليا. مطلب ته عربن سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي زور وٺرايو ۽ انکي ساڳيو عربيءَ جھڙو درجو ڏنو. چوٿين صدي هجريءَ ۾ جڏهين سنڌ ۾ عربي دورِ حڪومت قائم هو ، تڏهن مشهور عرب سياح ،ِابنِ حوقل ، لکي ٿو ته ملڪ جي خاص زبانون سنڌي ۽ عربي آهن. هن حوالي مان ظاهر آهي ته عربن ، عربيءَ سان گڏ سنڌيءَ کي به ملڪي ٻوليءَ جي درجي تي پھچايو.
(ج) ھن برعظيم ۾ سنڌي پهرين زبان هئي ، جا عربي خط ۾ لکي ويئي . ”روضة العقلا“ جي مصنف سنه 187ھه کان اڳ انھي سنڌي شاعر جي سنڌي ۾ چيل قصيدي جو هڪ شعر عربي خط ۾ نقل ڪيو آهي ، جو هن اڳين ڪتابن تان نقل ڪيو هوندو: جنھنجي معنيٰ ته اھو سنڌي قصيدو بروقت عربي خط ۾ نقل ڪيو هو. هيءَ حقيقت ثابت ڪري ٿي ته سنڌي ٻولي ٻي صدي هجريءَ جي آخر کان وٺي ،عربيءَ خط ۾ لکجڻ شروع ٿي ۽ اڄ ڏينھن تائين انھيءَ خط ۾ لکجي پئي.هن وقت به سواءِ عربيءَ جي ، فقط سنڌي ٻولي دنيا جي مکيه ٻولين مان هڪ واحد زبان آهي، جا انهيءَ اوائلي اسلامي تمدن جي اثر هيٺ خَطِّ نَسَخَ ۾ لکي وڃي ٿي.
انھن مٿين حقيقتن مان ظاهر آهي ته هن برعظيم جي مڙني ٻولين ۾ فقط سنڌي ٻوليءَ کي اسلامي تمدن جي نقطي نظر کان اهم درجو آهي. انجي ڀيٽ ۾ اردوخ ته ڪنڌ کڻڻ جي قابل ئي قابل ئي نه آهي. اردو مغلن جي تنزل جي دور جي پيدائش آهي ، جنهن وقت قُرون اُوليٰ وارو اسلامي فڪر ۽ تمدن ختم ٿي چڪو هو. عربن سنڌيءَ کي عملا ۽ ارادتا (عملن ۽ ارادتن) ترقي ڏني ،مگر مغلن اردو کي عملا ۽ ارادتا( عملن ۽ ارادتن) زور ڪونه وٺايو ، بلڪ اها فوجي ضرورت سبب (سببان) پيدا ٿي . مغلن جي فوج ۾ هندو ، مسلمان سڀ شامل هئا ، انهيءَ ڪري اردو کي اصلا يا اصولن مسلمان جي ٻولي چوڻ به حقيقت جي برعڪس ٿيندو . جيئن عربن جي دور ۾ سنڌيءَ کي ملڪي ٻولي جو درجو حاصل هو. تيئن اردو کي مغلن جي دور ۾ ملڪي ٻوليءَ جو درجو ڪٿي به حاصل ڪونه هو. اردو فقط هڪ کچڻي (کچڙي) هُئي جا شاهي لشڪر جي بورچيخاني(رَڌڻي) تائين محدود هُئي . سنڌي هن برعظيم ۾ اسلامي طاقت جي بنيادجي بنيادي ٻولي هُئي ۽ انهيءَ ڪري اها خود داري ، غيرت ، مردانگي ۽ صحيح اسلامي فڪر جو آئينو بني. اردو مغلن جي زوال وقت زور ورتو ۽ اها هندوستان ۾ مسلمانن جي زوال جي نمايان نشان (سڃاڻپ) آهي. مسلمانن جي زوال جي پيدا ڪَيَل ٻوليءَ کي دورِ آزاديءَ جي ٻولي بنائڻ نفسياتي طور غلط آهي. جيئن ته غلامانه دور ۾ هن ٻوليءَ ترقي ڪئي . انھيءَ ڪري انجي افڪار (فِڪر) تي به غلاميءَ جو رنگ چڙهيل آهي : مرثيه خواني ، شڪسته ذهنيت ، نااميدي ، طعنه زني ، مدح سرائي ، مُشاعِرن جي دماغي عياشيءَ ۾ ڀٽن واري واھ واھ_ اردو جي شاعريءَ جون نُمايان (واضح) خصوصيتون آهن . اردوءَ جي نثر جو وڏو حصو اڌارن خيالن ۽ ترجمي بازيءَ جو ڀنڊار آهي . خيالن جي علاوه (کانسواءِ) ٻين ٻولين مان ورتل لفظن ۾ رڳو تذڪير ۽ تانيث( مذڪر ۽ مئونث) جو صحيح فرق به قائم نه ڪيو ويو آهي ؛ نتيجو اِهو آهي جو اردوءَ ۾ ” ڪتاب“ مونث ، ”شرم“ مونث ته ”عَقُل“ به مونث آهي ، ۽ ”اخبار“ مذڪر آهي . ظرف زمان جو اِهو حال آهي ”ڪَلَّھ“ (ڪالھ) به ”ڪَلَّ“ آهي ته سُڀاڻي به ”ڪَلَّ“ آهي. باوجود ڪِن حضرات جي وَڏِين دعوائن جي ، اردو جي ترقيءَ جو معراج اِهو آهي!!
سائين جيم سيد جي ڪتاب جو مضمون پورو ٿيو.
(سنڌ جا موجوده سياسي مسئلا)
لیيکڪ :- سائين جي ايم سيّدُ_ تان ورتل
صفحه _ (257 ، 269 ،270 ، 271) هي مواد
اصل ڪتاب ۾ سائين جيم سيد جي هٿن
مبارڪ سان لکيل آهي
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

نعره جنهن هنيو وطن سنڌ يا ڪفن آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو ساهه سيباڻو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
منهنجي روح جو راڻو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
منهنجي جيء جو جيارو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
منهنجي اندر جو آواز آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
منهنجي عزت آبرو عظمت، سورهيه بادشاهه
منهنجين اکيان نور آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
گلن جي سرهاڻ آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
وک وک تي عيان منزل ڏانهن رَسَڻ جي روشني آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
بس رهنما سنڌ جو صرف هڪ آهي، سورهيه باشاهه
سنڌ جو سياڻو نماڻو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو سرواڻ ۽ اڳواڻ آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
رهبر نيارو سنڌ جو آهي، سورهيه باڊشاهه
سنڌ جو شان مان وارو علمبردار آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو سرواڻ سچو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
حرن کي حريت سيکاري وطن يا ڪفن وارو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
جيڪو نه جڙيو جماعت شهيد پاڳاري، سورهيه بادشاهه
پڇٿايو تنهن چئي هئي هئي آهي،سورهيه بادشاهه
لفظ هڪ هڪ سچ ٿيو ڪلام آهي، سورهيه باشاهه
ورتي معافي نادانن بعد شهادت آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
مرقد موچاري ٿي مٿي ملاء اعلي آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
۽ اعلي علين منجهه مڪين آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو مان وارو املهه ماڻڪ موتي آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جي سچي فڪر وارو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
نه ڪڏهن ڪنڌ جهڪايو سو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
حيات رهندو هميشه دلين ۾ آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
مري به موت کي ڏني مات آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
ڪين ڊڳو، شهادت واري ڏينهن به آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
اڄ به سنڌ جي آجپي جي علامت آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
اٿئي درد جي سنڌ جو ته راهه وٺ! سورهيه بادشاهه
نظم هي جاري رهڻو تاء قيامت آهي،سورهيه بادشاهه
سندس شان اڃا وڌ ۾ وڌ ٿيڻو آهي،سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جي ماضي لکي ويو سونن ورقن تي آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو حال احوال آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
سنڌ جو مستقبل به وابسته رهڻو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
اسان جي مال ميراث مليڪت ڌن دولت دل آهي،سورهيه بادشاهه
فقير درِ سگ هي مسڪين جوکيو آهي، سورهيه بادشاهه
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Dibble in the Islamic conquest Dr. Ibrahim Atta Allah Al Balushi
Dibble in the Islamic conquest
Dr. Ibrahim Atta Allah Al Balushi
Faculty of Arts, University of the United Arab Emirates - Al Ain
This paper examines the history of Dibble, located on the west bank of the River Indus, and now known as Bhmbur.
Find addresses and also to talk about the population of the city Dibble, and the population of Sindh in general, and touch to talk about the Islamic conquest of the region, and the language of her family and Obusthm and their homes and their economic and social development.
Was called Dibble or Vebl (1), now known as Bhmbur (2), which was six miles from the mouth of the River Mehran (Indus River) on the West Bank which, at the entrance to the sea, on the shore of Khor al-called Kho Dibble (3), a city vulnerable to coast, says Conclave: "freely and Dibble had taken out about a hundred villages, most of them are infidels, and the sea shines WALLS.Stavanger City" (4)
Idrissi says that its territory is arid soil by trees and palm trees and mountains and plains inventory Akecvp useless plant (5).
The old city was the seat of his deputy governor, any second capital, and the prison is huge and stately temple of the god of SEWA which serves more than 700 girls, the citadel of a city wall and towers with a length of 2000 feet and 1000 feet view (6).
The region is divided authority geographically into five regions, each region towns, villages and regions are: Sjoostan, Almmeltan, Iscalndh, Oror, the capital and Brahman Abad which Mansoura (Hyderabad now), and the city of Dibble is located in the territory of "Brahman Abad," and cities, Alneron to Ohanp, to his God, call it,
And others (7).
He visited Jerusalem port and the region, describing it by saying "This is the territory of gold and trades, and drugs, machinery and Alphanid and welfare, and Alarzaz and Aloajubat, its justice and fairness and policy, and has the characteristics and benefits and Daat, and benefits, shops and industries, and the cities of the confidentiality and integrity and well-being, then the secretariats, River Sheriff, and ordered him funny, do not reach only after the horrors of the dangers of land and sea, and their generosity, their freshness and Islam, science and many useful trades, and they have the intelligence and acumen and is well known and charity "(8).
Older people of Sindh and Dibble were impersonators Balznoj Then came waves Toranip, from Central Asia Vetoaldt with the parents, appeared Aldraodion, the indigenous people of Sindh, where they found four thousand years BC, and then rolled out of peoples Aryan came from the north-west of support since 3500 years old BC, and with them their language Sanskrit.
And submitted to the country's wave of Aryan since 600 BC. M.After settling in the country feared the Brahmins priests against their followers mixing with others, they put the caste system (9).
The most famous tribes when the advent of the Muslims of Sindh are: Zt, and Almid.
The Zt, alfalfa (Jote), they are more numerous and powerful few, and most dangerous to the security of the State Sindhi from Almid, they belong to the tribe Ohanh (Luhans) Indian, belonging to a single layer, and living hard, and ignorance are widespread among (10).
They live mostly in the inland areas and the outskirts of the rivers, and some of them had stints working at sea and coasts, and of them as well as pirates, bandits, and they know Balbdha, mostly working ranchers (11). And moved many of them to the Arab Peninsula, the Gulf and the Hijaz, Yemen and Iraq, and Syria before and after Islam, among whom was the motivation for our master Uthman may Allah be pleased with him on his death, and they were his bodyguards, killing some of them fought alongside our master Ali may Allah be pleased with him on the camel, and participated Umayyads in the custody of Igor and defend the possession of Muslims (12).
Almid (Meds)
And members of this community were deployed off the coast of Sindh, desert, stretching from Almmeltan to the sea, and the banks of the river until the Makran Mehran, as well as they were thieves and pirates, but they were skilled
And with experience in naval warfare (13). They also called Alibdehp any one religions Buddhism
Hindus. These communities were suffering from ill-treatment of government Albarhamip, but after they enter Islam changed circumstances, and benefited the Muslims from their knowledge of the routes of roads, the conditions of Sindh and its people, so he recruited'm denominator of them in the army at least four thousand, because they had the courage and chivalry.
Perhaps he means that the mitigation of the underlying feeling of hostility between the parents and Muslims (14)
Open bond
Sindh has already close trade and cultural links between the people of pre-Islamic Arabia and the Gulf "Sea Knight", and between Sindh and India. However, the rulers of Sindh did not want to stay Arabs have, for political and other interests were not their only commercial crossings and stations on the coast of India. For it was not many Arabs prefer to stay there (15).
When God open to Muslims all over the world and reached their armies to the East coast of East Island, wanted to cross the sea to reach the coast of Sindh and India (Navy).
On the other hand is open for volunteers to the territory of Iraq and Persia and Makran, and ground forces arrived to the borders of Sindh (ground force).
It was the first Islamic conquests of that region during the reign of caliph Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, where, and to Him on the Bahrain and Oman (Uthman ibn Abi al-Aas) kept his brother Hakam ibn Abi al-Aas in Bahrain, Hu went to Amman and then send the army in a daring raid on the city (Building, now) and won the sheep and then returned, in the same year his brother the face of marauding ibn Abi al-Aas to Dibble, which killed the enemy and nail by the year 15 AH / 636 (16)
Successive attacks, the Islamic authority in the reign of Othman and Ali and Muawiyah, God bless them. Belushi
During the reign of Abdul Malik bin Marwan, and when he came to al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf ibn al-Hakam ibn Abi Aqil Thaqafi Emirate of Iraq and the Islamic East, the Makran under the authority of the Muslims, was the dispute continued between the Muslims there and the king of Sindh on the borders of Makran, opening Muslims some areas, and cited some of the leaders to that the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Hajjaj ibn Harun arm Nimri, ruler of Makran.
According to historical sources documented that the virtues of the pilgrims that he emptied and created all the possibilities to eliminate the band outsiders, Vtaatbaha to break Huktha killing from murder and escaped from the escape, and fleeing took refuge in Amman, he sent the pilgrims in their tracks, they fled, and passed the sea and arrived in Makran and Sindh .
The Runaways about five hundred men of them conspired with the king of Sindh and joined him, and some of them remained in the border areas Almkranip Sindhi, and took languishing Muslims (17).
So the pilgrims trace their footsteps, and sent the army from Iraq to eliminate them and to punish the king of Sindh, which was incited those in conflict with the succession to fight the Prince of Makran, and because of it taking Alalavion They are outsiders organize their ranks and took for themselves the leaders and the heads of such as: Sid and Muhammad son Harith Allafien. He had gone pilgrims Said ibn Aslam ibn implant hamate Emir of Makran (75-80 AH / 694-699 AD) and wrote things, and ordered the pilgrims to fight Allafien, they rushed out to him. And conspiracy Clip Bin Khalaf, Abdullah bin Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Allafian and Sid, happy and killed, and seized on the Makran Alalavion 80-85 years old AH / 699-704 AD with the support of the king of Sindh.
And then sent a strong army of pilgrims to these outlaws, led by Ben-famine price Tamimi
(85-86 H / 704-705 N), and before it reaches Alalavion Prince left the region and sought refuge with the king of Sindh (18). After the death of famine sent pilgrims Prince Mohammed bin Harun Al Nimri growers, Emir of the region of 86-92 AH / 705-710 AD until the arrival of Mohammed bin Qasim (19).
Remember some reports that the main reason to open the pilgrims Sindh is: saving Muslim women from the prisons of King Dahir, so that many of the Arab traders stayed on the island of Serendib "runny" with their families and some of them married there and had then died some of them and left Oramb and orphans.
He wanted the king of the island to send the people of the deceased by their husbands to the House of succession, where parents and Orthm, and with them many of the men and women interested in the Hajj, the women of Jordan to see the capital, Damascus, because they were born on the island and Traran there, was attached to the king of the island with these Arabs a lot of gifts, precious and rare works of art of pearls and rubies, and a number of boys and dialogue, and Abyssinian slaves, and this was like the king to send an annual gift to the House of succession.
This year, 90 AH / 708 AD, the king sent these gifts to Iraq's desire to get close to the pilgrims and carry it in eight large vessels (20).
Some of these vessels to the Arabs, and happened to be endowed with these ships storms, casting out to the coast of Sindh close to Dibble, this uninhabited coast Almid a people said to them, they knew looting, theft and piracy (21). They went out on the battleships and naval vessels attacked the Islamic Venhboha, and captured men and Muslim women and children, went some to prison Dibble and some to prison, DC (Oror).
During the looting, shouted a Muslim woman from Beni gerbil with the loudest voice and Ahaggagah help me, and happened to lose hold of the hands of thieves some Muslims and delivered the news to al-Hajjaj bin Yousef, he said: Beck to Beck, and wrote a letter of just to the king of the bond required to release
Muslim but that the king's reply was ugly, saying: "but take them to the thieves do not appreciate them."
In fact, other than those mentioned, The stories hard to remember that the King's men are themselves attacked the ships of the Islamic, and the best evidence of this that ships attacking Kantbawarj war which ships not owned by only the Governor and even if it were not obeys ships attacking the order's ruling, but the governor was aware of this attack, and only because they managed to divide the prisoners and their distribution between the prison and prison Dibble, DC, the eyes and ears of the king and his powers (22).
Pilgrims then decided to break the prisoners and rehabilitation of the Islamic caliphate and the eradication of pirates, and the dissemination of Islam in the Bekaa.
He sent an army led by Obaidullah bin Nabhan peaceful AD 90 AH / 708 AD, bringing to Dibble and fought the enemy until killed and defeated his army, and Dafna pilgrims army last year 91 AH / 709 AD under the leadership of a brave senior good guys, which is: an alternative bin Thnp Bajali he went by land to Amman, and then across the sea and went to the Makran, meeting Bualeha Mohammed bin Harun and standing of the latter with three thousand soldiers, until it reached Dibble and met the enemy and victory was his ally in the beginning, but Dahir sent his son Jesseh with four thousand fighters and dozens of elephants fight , Vtqatl Criterion since the early morning until the evening. Has been linked to the leader (alternate), during which my eyes his horse because it was the fear of elephants and fought bravely rare, have been killed alone by the enemy nearly eighty fighters in the field, even cited at the end of the battle, and defeated his army and there was a lot of them in captivity, and imprisoned with women and traders in the large prison
Bdibl (23).
The news arrived to the pilgrims grieved deeply saddened by the martyrdom of an alternative, it was a great place in itself (24).
Then I swear by pilgrims to conquer the land of Sindh and opens it, he wrote in detail to the Caliph al-Walid bin Abdul Malik and asked him for permission to send a large army to the authority did not agree Caliph, the remoteness of the area on the one hand, it is about 2500-km from the capital, Damascus, on the other hand the strength of King Dahir, and sang his known by its wealth, its strength and its civilization Ancient (25).
There are barriers and natural barriers, the sea, and deserts, making the Caliph hesitate.
But pilgrims urged him and convinced him, after they showed him the plans and measures to save the lives of the Muslim Caliph he agreed. Saw the pilgrims to pay the army command Muhammad bin Qasim as enjoyed by the courage of chivalry, but he feared words of people from the synthesis of pilgrims to his family, but I'm Qasim told the pilgrims: "I do not ask for a position does not Otabak sustenance, but I ask you to help me on the dead in God help me for the death come to you God of Life (26). Muhammad bin Qasim bin Mohammed Thaqafi, a cousin of al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf (27).
And al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf ibn al-Hakam ibn Abi Aqil bin Masood Thaqafi meet Muhammad bin Qasim in Thaqafi Hakam ibn Abi Aqil (28). It was Muhammad bin Qasim and ruler of Fars province and Shiraz-based, as was his father and ruler of Basra by the pilgrims (29).
Fjhz pilgrims Ibn al-strong army consisting McCain six thousand knights (30), also included the six thousand other people of Persia from Arab and other pedestrians (31). In the year 92 AH / 710 AD the army went to Shiraz, where he stayed for six months to gather strength and there is a section of its troops to freely and went overland to the Ibn al-Makran and stayed for months, with the force of six thousand soldiers and
Makran was accompanied by the emir, Muhammad ibn Harun and his even Ormaiil and died there (32). The band and naval forces were sent by sea, along with supplies and heavy weapons such as catapults and other, and catapults catapult great so-called bride managed and staffed by nearly five hundred men and the Fate of God to meet the Land Army Army Marine on the same day as if they were on a date, but the will of God That was on Friday (33).
The command of the army marine Khuraim Amr ibn al-Marri and the son of marauding, and next to these leaders, there was a prominent commanders such as Abdul Rahman bin Salim al-Kalbi, and Sufyan bin coolest famous leather, cotton, and Ben is aware of hamate (34).
And began the siege of the city from all directions, and set up the huge catapult "bride" and ordered Ibn al-Djaobp Musalmi chief focus of the catapult shooting at the Dome of the Alp "and Alibd fetish of the wise men there," was the height of the dome 40 cubits, and a capacity of 40 cubits.
The man came out during the siege Barhami of hermits, and asked the security of Ibn al-safe, they found. Then told the Muslims that as long as the flag flying on the temple, it is difficult for them to open the city, since the Indians believe in that, he pointed them to drop the flag, and then something I'm denominator Djaobp beat science, started and threw the catapult and dropped the flag, and dropped part of its base and pole.
Magnify Muslims and then hit the dome of the temple, Fanahdmt fully without hitting the building the temple damage (35) and fly people Dibble and Chaemwa went out to the Muslims motivated to fight Almstmit, Vkablhm Muslims with arrows like rain, and killer parties in a tough fight until God defeated the infidels, and they returned into the fort.
Later, I created a denominator his army to attack the year, Vensb stairs, was the first climbers Assady bin Khuzaymah Moradi Cove, and hastily followed by bin Abdul Malik, son of Qais Basri, and opened the doors, magnify and Muslims have entered. But the infidels fighting as death or life more than ever before.
The fighting continued inside the fort for three days, until the dominance of the Soldiers of God, and draws some Muslims recruited to the temple, and killed his guards, and get out of it suspended for 700 ongoing service of the temple. Muslims then took out the prisoners, men and women. The denominator is I'm a warrior to kill all of the people of Dibble penalty what was before them Muslims, as pilgrims ordered to give security for the rest of the cities of Sindh but if people revolt. After Muslim control over the city, workers fled King Dahir named Ben Jaheen Brseid Rawat.And began to Ibn al-regulates the things the city and plans, and built a major mosque, and expanded the castle, built on the eastern side of the castle a residential area for Muslims comprised of four thousands of Arab families and the soldiers and was appointed governor of Dibble, Mohammed bin farewell Najdi, and that was in Rajab 93 e / 711 m (36) .
And the Department of Ibn al-booty to the soldiers, and sent to the House Balkhms succession, then went to the authority of procedure, and as they passed him on the city of her family, until he killed its king Dahir and entered the capital
"Oror" at dawn on Friday, 11/09/1993 e - 1 / 7 / 712 M (37).
A glimpse of the social, cultural and economic
And we mean it: society, culture, language and trade.
First: the above mentioned races and tribes. The classes, saw newcomers after
Continue in the province of Sindh, and especially the clergy that Brahmins do not mix their tribes and race with the elements of pre-existing They established the caste system.
First class:
Brahmins (Brahman) who are men of religion, and they oversee the collection of temples and vows and good things, and they have absolute power in the country beyond the authority of the Sultan himself.
The second layer:
Alkstraep (Jhtri) they are the rulers and commanders and politicians, in charge of defense affairs, politics and power.
The third layer:
Vichy (Wish) they are traders, craftsmen and farmers, and are economic matters and the provision of means of subsistence for the two layers Alitin.
Class IV:
Shura (Choudhury) They are Darordip the indigenous people and their duty to serve the three layers of the large infield services and Oqdhirha they are deprived of all human rights, and we must live the members of this class outside the city, so that they serve the masters during the day and go out at night are not allowed to trade and collect money and education. MALE-Biruni, "but deprived them hear the Scriptures, and played hurt in his ears hot oil, and if to raise his voice on one of the members of other classes cut off his tongue," and if he raised his hand and, if cut off his leg kick. "
Does not allow them to marry than others, or go and belonging to the layer above them.
After the Islamic conquest Bewildered Muslims, Ibn Qasim in front of these layers and how to deal with it, he decided to apply this verse to them {no compulsion in religion} and took the advice and good treatment would Wali Muslim Vtother much more, it entered, including Islam, but they have become what the Muslims and what they have.
Upon the arrival of Muslims was the people of Sindh divided into two categories, both politically and intellectually, socially, culturally and economically.
Category of owners of the first three layers are the owners and the owners of religion Albarhamip the caste system and the men in power.
Category II: Religion Alboudip owners, and they Aldarodrp including Almid and Zt, Almnawin for the first category.
Because Zgot and inhuman treatment towards them from the first category to take those collecting their personnel and unite their word as are so organized that they have become the President obey the command.
They began to confront power Albarhamip even with the corruption of land and sea to the public and private piracy freely on each of the over Psoahalhm of ships and banditry, looting and killing both through their homes, to be fed King Dahir of them tired, take them some harsh measures Volzmanm wear clothing of their own in order to know, and if it is proven to kill someone or steal it with his family burned in the fire and other harsh measures.
This group is oppressed by the line some of the principles of religion with the rules and the foundations of the Islamic faith in the principle of equality and justice, and the abolition of the caste system, especially after the Islamic conquest of their regions and good treatment that they found the commander Muhammad bin Qasim and his army, they began to engage in Islam and embrace this new religion groups and individuals, After embracing Islam I'm denominator included many of them to top leaders in the Islamic Army.
On the other hand Muslims have benefited from their experience and dedication to military jihad next to make information of the Islamic Army for off-road ways and the mountains and river ports.
, Thus ending the sectarian problem and the dilemma of social class is Albarhamip of them converted to Islam became treated as Muslims. And stayed in his religion he pays tribute, without domination over others (38) ..
After that I'm settled in Sindh Qasim began organizing administrative matters and started each major city councils to consider the Ombudsman, the Council had Dibble complaint raises matters to him directly Vincef
The oppressed (39).
And took Mansour Abad Barhaman center of government and the palace of the Administration, and after Muhammad bin Qasim taken by the rulers of the Umayyad, and later the seat of government 121 years old H / 738 m (40)
Al-Biruni says: "The language the people of Sindh is completely different from the Arabic language and alphabet as well, and it is difficult for the Arab pronunciation of more words and names" (41)
The ancient language is the language of Alsanksritip Aryan languages, which are of particular importance, is the language of ancient Indian scriptures, and was the official language before Islam (42). After the Islamic conquest has become the language used is Arabic, Sindhi (43). He says Altarazi: - Arabic language is the language of the state, and the ruling class and the staff, dignitaries, intellectuals, scientists, judges, schools (44).
The people of Dibble in uniform people of Iraq was well nice, they prefer the color and turbans adults and sketches cosmetics, Alttalis wearing drinking - drink - and preachers wearing cellars and regions - such as the Belt - (45), and tradesmen and objects used to wear a shirt and Urdu, and the public They were dressed in rice and Almizer to the severity of free their countries, and they were Ikrmon their ears and wearing earrings, hair and send him Itouleun (46).
It is the general Almid and Zt They have been forced by the Brahmins to wear uniforms in order to excel all others, a robe, wrapper of black cloth coarse heavy, and on their shoulders tissue from the same cloth, and deprived of wear clothing color and covering the head and walk barefoot Msvi heads, and then improved their status after entering Islam (47).
It was reported Qalqashandi uniforms for the people of this Kingdom in the late periods of many species and colors in detail.
Dibble and more structure of mud and wood (48). There are buildings of stone and plaster and pay was in the region, such as Mansoura, stone buildings phenomenon in Dibble from the effects of the temple - and the wall of the fence and the Mosque of Muhammad bin Qasim after the conquest, Recalling Ansab al-Ashraf that the army of Muhammad bin Qasim after the conquest, as has been made and to Billah the authority had builtimprisonment of a huge stone in the ruins of houses and the ancient walls of Dibble (49). The commanders and governors often live in barracks
And military camps outside the cities or in the forts and castles, and then In the era of the Umayyad ruler was not only lives in a house and live a normal existence free of decoration in the most of their lives.
The middle-class housing and public good was because of income from agriculture, trade and industry, some houses of stone and decorated. Layer and the common folk: peasants, workers and servants their homes were often built of wood or of Alojoas in the form of small huts and may not be healthy (50).
Before Islam there was a pariah class of the basest and lowest of work they do allows them to do with providing accommodation with the masters. Serve them during the day and out at night out of the country and the city (51).
The enjoyment of scholars and judges like a good social authority in the country thanks to their knowledge and piety.
And they had a significant impact in Islam a lot of the people of Sindh due to their morals precious values, idealism, and the leadership shown by the humility and science and from all layers of authority, and were appreciated by the governors and rulers, accompany them in the councils formal occasions, and after the Islamic conquest, established science schools famous for teaching science Modern and Other (52).
The most famous scientists Bdjel: Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Aldepli and his son Muhammad bin Aldepli (53), Aldepli Abu Musa, Abu Abdullah Aldepli (54), Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Harun al-Baghdadi Aldepli
Egyptian, Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Aldepli Shami, Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Abdullah Aldepli, Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Shami Aldepli (55), Ahmad b. Abdullah Aldepli, Khalaf bin Muhammad al-Baghdadi Aldepli, Aldepli Shuaib bin Mohammed Al-Masri (56), and many of these.
In economic terms, Dibble was dependent on trade, because agriculture is a small, barren land due to low fertility in the heart of Islam compared to Sindh province which is the country's goods and crops and fruits for the presence of Mehran River.
As for the people to rely Dibble was their main income from trade and Dibble is the main port of support since the progress until the Islamic period (57).
Road and sea to Daibal
Describes the Conclave to travel to say: "and to contact him only after the dangers of land and the horrors of the sea after incision and chest tightness" when describing the province of Sindh (58) and by the sea where the ships were launched from Idiot passing ports such as basic Seraphington, Tesmkran and Dibble, Thanh, Colm ml until the Far East, and wild, Shiraz, Sergent, Jervat, Dargen, PPM, Fihrj, Joey Solomon, Reagan, Joac, Jack, Vensbor, Daibal, or Tesmkran, Ormabil, Qmpely, Dibble, and Palace Qand, Vensbor Dibble (59).
Exports of Dibble
From the port of Dibble issued, the premium and canna, bamboo, and musk to the port of Aden and other (60), and Alphanid - sugar plant - is exported to the countries of the world (61) and issued as well as rice in abundance, and the garments of good was manufactured in the city of Anvil (62), coconuts, "Coconut" and slippers, ivory, and good drugs, and other valuable goods and expensive, and carpets and rugs of all kinds are made locally and in other
Region (63).
Imports to the Dibble, Sindh
It dates to the goods imported by Iraq were to come from Basra (64), and cable's "Land of Afghans" had come to Sindh and Dibble clothes were made of the finest cotton
Types (65). And had come to Iraq and Alexandria and other fabrics as the point of Ships Egypt and Iraq through the Port of Dibble and the Orient, as well as the Arabian horses known as the Godfather comes to the Dibble of the land of the Arabian Peninsula, with the knowledge that in India and Sindh horses and Albrven but most are not good compared to Arabian horses (66).
The Western goods by the Franks and other narrated by Jews Alrmanip who were wandering between the Far East, the Arabs and the north and south, and they were buying and selling and exchanging goods along their journey this and wherever they went, were jumping from Tangier - Morocco, one of their tracks - Valixanderip Fdn Vkolm ml even the Far East , and were carrying the West of servants and maids and servants, and brocade and Alkhoz Leather, fur and sable and swords Vipheon these goods by the region's need and the desire of its people. And then they buy what fits their business from those ports to the other (67), and the Indian musk, which comes from Tibet to the Dibble, from and exported to the country by sea and musk of the finest Indian and Chinese Safadi (68).
It was returned to the Dibble various goods from China such as: musk, oud, camphor and Dar Chinese and other goods from the numerous (69).
According to Idrisi for skilled people Dibble in trade, "said the ships and goods were coming from Oman, China and India Victron more and as much as possible, since they have more than others of the money they are rich, and then store the goods until the take off of merchant ships from the port of Dibble to its destination Vijrgeonha and sell highest bidder and how they like it. "
It appears from the context of the statement that there are two categories of traders in the port of Dibble, a resident of the category of people visiting Dibble and attending class for a particular season or periods according to commercial traffic and the arrival of ships so that once they spend and exchange their goods back where they came from (70). Products and farming that were received quince, pear and apple with its presence in the region but very few (71). WordPress vinegar from Iraq to Dibble and Sindh during the reign of Muhammad bin Qasim with the absence of such material in India Vhakiqi that are referred to as the Trading (72). As well as oil, almonds, olive oil, sweat, and lute roses for temples (73).
Relations Dibble Island of the Arabs
The relationship of the region countries located on the east coast and ports on the west coast of the Sea of Persia, and Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula social relationships or migrations political and sectarian
Or economic since ancient times and in the Islamic period.
Has settled and settled many of the Arab traders with their families or married there in the ports authority, such as Dibble, as happened in Serendib - Ceylon - the other hand, there was an exchange of family and family from Sindh, India, communities have resorted to areas of the Arabian Peninsula who they know, Balzt and Almid and Altkakrp (74) and migration political from the days of Umayyads, as has happened to Alavi and outlaws from resorting to that region, such as: Hassan bin gladiator bin Yahya Al-Hamdani and his followers until the advent of Muhammad bin Qasim Thaqafi, as well as cultural exchange between scholars of workshops teaching and learning in the Two Holy Mosques (75).
Port bubonulus (Sindh)
(1) of Damascus, looted a lifetime, p. .173; Bakri, Lexicon what Atsagam, c. 1, p. .569.
(2) of the images show the dimensions of the city of Dibble from the city of Karachi ..
(3) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. .282; Damascus, lifetime elite, p. 0.99.
(4) Conclave best Altqasim, p. .379.
(5) Idrisi, Nuzhat, i 1, p. .167.
(6) Yacoubi, date Yacoubi, c 2, p. .288; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .180; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.98.
(7) 38.
(8) Conclave best Altqasim, p. .474.
(9) Sadat, the date of the Islamic State, pp. .9-11; Alngerami, political relations, pp. .15-16.
(10) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .76-77.
(11) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. 0.55; I'm happy, geography book, p. .132; Abu Fida, calendar countries, p. .138.
(12) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries r 0.166; date Alommm, c. 1, p. .306; Muhammad, History and Civilization, p. 0.19; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, Alallowaii, the Islamic call pp. .63-66.
(13) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, pp. .178 - 179; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. 0.76 - 77.
(14) Sadat, the date of the Islamic State, c. 1, pp. .11-22; watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. .101.
(15) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .12-13; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .242-243.
(16) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .420; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.83.
(17) Bloch, open Sindh pp. .79-80 0.94 to 95.
(18) Moroccan Alienas, p. .177; I'm the air, full, c 4, p. 0.36; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .156-157.
(19) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.81; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .160-161.
(20) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.81; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .160-161.
(21) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .423; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.18.
(22) Alngerami, political relations, p. 0.37.
(23) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .29-30; Bloch, open Sindh pp. .98-99; Altarazi Commons, p. 1, p. 162.
(24) Bloch, Conquest of Sind, p. 0.99.
(25) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .31-32.
(26) Shaker, Pakistan, p. 0.15.
(27) Zarkali, flags, c 6, p. .333.
(28) Ibn al-Kalbi, a crowd ratios, c 2, p. 0.77.
(29) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424; Ibn Hazm, Arab crowd pp. .267-268.
(30) Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .288; lessons, v. 5, p. .132.
(31) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .167.
(32) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424; Bloch, open Sindh, p. .105.
(33) I'm the air, full, c 4, p. .111; watchmaker, the spread of Islam, pp. .93-97; Ibn Khaldun, lessons, c 5, pp. .132-133 .160-161.
(34) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, stom 0.166 0.169-171; Ansab al-Ashraf Fattouh countries, pp. .424-425; Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .38-39; Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .277.
(35) the same source, pp. .38-39; Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .277.
(36) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, pp. .99-101; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .166-173; I'm the air, full, c 4, p. .111; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, pp. .424-425; Bloch, Conquest of Sind, p. .197.
(37) Yacoubi, its history, p. .289; Bhard, the core of the bond date, p. 0.24; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .427.
(38) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .117-120 .136-147; al-Biruni, the achievement of India, pp. .76-80; tract and kingdoms; p. 0.71.
(39) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.71.
(40) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .177-178.
(41) Al-Biruni, to achieve what of India, pp. .13-14.
(42) watchmaker, the date of the Islamic State, p. 0.13; Alngerami, political relations, pp. .15-16.
(43) Istakhri, pathways Kingdoms, p. .177.
(44) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .404.406-407.
(45) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. 382; Conclave best Altqasim, stom .129,382.
(46) Alocki, pathways Kingdoms, p. .177.
(47) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .128-129; Damascus, lifetime elite, p. .176.
(48) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .167.
(49) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, p. .479; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh, ..., p. .425.
(50) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .124-129
(51) Al-Biruni, to achieve what of India, p. 0.77.
(52) Altarazi Commons, c 2, p. .125.
(53) al-Hamwi, glossary countries, c. 2, p. .495.
(54) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .480; Jawzi, elite status, c 4, pp. .71,107.
(55) Altarazi Commons, c 1, .369,493 stom.
(56) al-Hassani, the Islamic culture in India, p. .135.
(57) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, p. .479.
(58) Ibid, p. .474.
(59) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. 0.48; to Stranj, the countries of the caliphate, stom .288,360.
(60) I'm Krdazbp, routes and kingdoms, pp. .60-61.
(61) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. .281.
(62) Sapphire, Lexicon countries, part 3, p. .281.
(63) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, c 3, p. .481.
(64) Abul Feda, Calendar, p. .349.
(65) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .196.
(66) Qalqashandi, Sobh TFB, pp. .81-82.
(67) I'm Krdazbp, a book of countries, p. .153.
(68) Yacoubi, a book of countries, p. .365; Samer, historical origins, p. 0.20.
(69) I'm Krdazbp, tract, stom .153-154.
(70) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .167.
(71) Qalqashandi, Illh TFB, c 5. P. 0.83.
(72) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424.
(73) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .109.
(74) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .12-13.
(75) al-Hamwi, Article Dibble; I'm the air, full, v. 5, p. 0.25; Fattouh countries.
Faculty of Arts, University of the United Arab Emirates - Al Ain
This paper examines the history of Dibble, located on the west bank of the River Indus, and now known as Bhmbur.
Find addresses and also to talk about the population of the city Dibble, and the population of Sindh in general, and touch to talk about the Islamic conquest of the region, and the language of her family and Obusthm and their homes and their economic and social development.
Was called Dibble or Vebl (1), now known as Bhmbur (2), which was six miles from the mouth of the River Mehran (Indus River) on the West Bank which, at the entrance to the sea, on the shore of Khor al-called Kho Dibble (3), a city vulnerable to coast, says Conclave: "freely and Dibble had taken out about a hundred villages, most of them are infidels, and the sea shines WALLS.Stavanger City" (4)
Idrissi says that its territory is arid soil by trees and palm trees and mountains and plains inventory Akecvp useless plant (5).
The old city was the seat of his deputy governor, any second capital, and the prison is huge and stately temple of the god of SEWA which serves more than 700 girls, the citadel of a city wall and towers with a length of 2000 feet and 1000 feet view (6).
The region is divided authority geographically into five regions, each region towns, villages and regions are: Sjoostan, Almmeltan, Iscalndh, Oror, the capital and Brahman Abad which Mansoura (Hyderabad now), and the city of Dibble is located in the territory of "Brahman Abad," and cities, Alneron to Ohanp, to his God, call it,
And others (7).
He visited Jerusalem port and the region, describing it by saying "This is the territory of gold and trades, and drugs, machinery and Alphanid and welfare, and Alarzaz and Aloajubat, its justice and fairness and policy, and has the characteristics and benefits and Daat, and benefits, shops and industries, and the cities of the confidentiality and integrity and well-being, then the secretariats, River Sheriff, and ordered him funny, do not reach only after the horrors of the dangers of land and sea, and their generosity, their freshness and Islam, science and many useful trades, and they have the intelligence and acumen and is well known and charity "(8).
Older people of Sindh and Dibble were impersonators Balznoj Then came waves Toranip, from Central Asia Vetoaldt with the parents, appeared Aldraodion, the indigenous people of Sindh, where they found four thousand years BC, and then rolled out of peoples Aryan came from the north-west of support since 3500 years old BC, and with them their language Sanskrit.
And submitted to the country's wave of Aryan since 600 BC. M.After settling in the country feared the Brahmins priests against their followers mixing with others, they put the caste system (9).
The most famous tribes when the advent of the Muslims of Sindh are: Zt, and Almid.
The Zt, alfalfa (Jote), they are more numerous and powerful few, and most dangerous to the security of the State Sindhi from Almid, they belong to the tribe Ohanh (Luhans) Indian, belonging to a single layer, and living hard, and ignorance are widespread among (10).
They live mostly in the inland areas and the outskirts of the rivers, and some of them had stints working at sea and coasts, and of them as well as pirates, bandits, and they know Balbdha, mostly working ranchers (11). And moved many of them to the Arab Peninsula, the Gulf and the Hijaz, Yemen and Iraq, and Syria before and after Islam, among whom was the motivation for our master Uthman may Allah be pleased with him on his death, and they were his bodyguards, killing some of them fought alongside our master Ali may Allah be pleased with him on the camel, and participated Umayyads in the custody of Igor and defend the possession of Muslims (12).
Almid (Meds)
And members of this community were deployed off the coast of Sindh, desert, stretching from Almmeltan to the sea, and the banks of the river until the Makran Mehran, as well as they were thieves and pirates, but they were skilled
And with experience in naval warfare (13). They also called Alibdehp any one religions Buddhism
Hindus. These communities were suffering from ill-treatment of government Albarhamip, but after they enter Islam changed circumstances, and benefited the Muslims from their knowledge of the routes of roads, the conditions of Sindh and its people, so he recruited'm denominator of them in the army at least four thousand, because they had the courage and chivalry.
Perhaps he means that the mitigation of the underlying feeling of hostility between the parents and Muslims (14)
Open bond
Sindh has already close trade and cultural links between the people of pre-Islamic Arabia and the Gulf "Sea Knight", and between Sindh and India. However, the rulers of Sindh did not want to stay Arabs have, for political and other interests were not their only commercial crossings and stations on the coast of India. For it was not many Arabs prefer to stay there (15).
When God open to Muslims all over the world and reached their armies to the East coast of East Island, wanted to cross the sea to reach the coast of Sindh and India (Navy).
On the other hand is open for volunteers to the territory of Iraq and Persia and Makran, and ground forces arrived to the borders of Sindh (ground force).
It was the first Islamic conquests of that region during the reign of caliph Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, where, and to Him on the Bahrain and Oman (Uthman ibn Abi al-Aas) kept his brother Hakam ibn Abi al-Aas in Bahrain, Hu went to Amman and then send the army in a daring raid on the city (Building, now) and won the sheep and then returned, in the same year his brother the face of marauding ibn Abi al-Aas to Dibble, which killed the enemy and nail by the year 15 AH / 636 (16)
Successive attacks, the Islamic authority in the reign of Othman and Ali and Muawiyah, God bless them. Belushi
During the reign of Abdul Malik bin Marwan, and when he came to al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf ibn al-Hakam ibn Abi Aqil Thaqafi Emirate of Iraq and the Islamic East, the Makran under the authority of the Muslims, was the dispute continued between the Muslims there and the king of Sindh on the borders of Makran, opening Muslims some areas, and cited some of the leaders to that the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Hajjaj ibn Harun arm Nimri, ruler of Makran.
According to historical sources documented that the virtues of the pilgrims that he emptied and created all the possibilities to eliminate the band outsiders, Vtaatbaha to break Huktha killing from murder and escaped from the escape, and fleeing took refuge in Amman, he sent the pilgrims in their tracks, they fled, and passed the sea and arrived in Makran and Sindh .
The Runaways about five hundred men of them conspired with the king of Sindh and joined him, and some of them remained in the border areas Almkranip Sindhi, and took languishing Muslims (17).
So the pilgrims trace their footsteps, and sent the army from Iraq to eliminate them and to punish the king of Sindh, which was incited those in conflict with the succession to fight the Prince of Makran, and because of it taking Alalavion They are outsiders organize their ranks and took for themselves the leaders and the heads of such as: Sid and Muhammad son Harith Allafien. He had gone pilgrims Said ibn Aslam ibn implant hamate Emir of Makran (75-80 AH / 694-699 AD) and wrote things, and ordered the pilgrims to fight Allafien, they rushed out to him. And conspiracy Clip Bin Khalaf, Abdullah bin Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Allafian and Sid, happy and killed, and seized on the Makran Alalavion 80-85 years old AH / 699-704 AD with the support of the king of Sindh.
And then sent a strong army of pilgrims to these outlaws, led by Ben-famine price Tamimi
(85-86 H / 704-705 N), and before it reaches Alalavion Prince left the region and sought refuge with the king of Sindh (18). After the death of famine sent pilgrims Prince Mohammed bin Harun Al Nimri growers, Emir of the region of 86-92 AH / 705-710 AD until the arrival of Mohammed bin Qasim (19).
Remember some reports that the main reason to open the pilgrims Sindh is: saving Muslim women from the prisons of King Dahir, so that many of the Arab traders stayed on the island of Serendib "runny" with their families and some of them married there and had then died some of them and left Oramb and orphans.
He wanted the king of the island to send the people of the deceased by their husbands to the House of succession, where parents and Orthm, and with them many of the men and women interested in the Hajj, the women of Jordan to see the capital, Damascus, because they were born on the island and Traran there, was attached to the king of the island with these Arabs a lot of gifts, precious and rare works of art of pearls and rubies, and a number of boys and dialogue, and Abyssinian slaves, and this was like the king to send an annual gift to the House of succession.
This year, 90 AH / 708 AD, the king sent these gifts to Iraq's desire to get close to the pilgrims and carry it in eight large vessels (20).
Some of these vessels to the Arabs, and happened to be endowed with these ships storms, casting out to the coast of Sindh close to Dibble, this uninhabited coast Almid a people said to them, they knew looting, theft and piracy (21). They went out on the battleships and naval vessels attacked the Islamic Venhboha, and captured men and Muslim women and children, went some to prison Dibble and some to prison, DC (Oror).
During the looting, shouted a Muslim woman from Beni gerbil with the loudest voice and Ahaggagah help me, and happened to lose hold of the hands of thieves some Muslims and delivered the news to al-Hajjaj bin Yousef, he said: Beck to Beck, and wrote a letter of just to the king of the bond required to release
Muslim but that the king's reply was ugly, saying: "but take them to the thieves do not appreciate them."
In fact, other than those mentioned, The stories hard to remember that the King's men are themselves attacked the ships of the Islamic, and the best evidence of this that ships attacking Kantbawarj war which ships not owned by only the Governor and even if it were not obeys ships attacking the order's ruling, but the governor was aware of this attack, and only because they managed to divide the prisoners and their distribution between the prison and prison Dibble, DC, the eyes and ears of the king and his powers (22).
Pilgrims then decided to break the prisoners and rehabilitation of the Islamic caliphate and the eradication of pirates, and the dissemination of Islam in the Bekaa.
He sent an army led by Obaidullah bin Nabhan peaceful AD 90 AH / 708 AD, bringing to Dibble and fought the enemy until killed and defeated his army, and Dafna pilgrims army last year 91 AH / 709 AD under the leadership of a brave senior good guys, which is: an alternative bin Thnp Bajali he went by land to Amman, and then across the sea and went to the Makran, meeting Bualeha Mohammed bin Harun and standing of the latter with three thousand soldiers, until it reached Dibble and met the enemy and victory was his ally in the beginning, but Dahir sent his son Jesseh with four thousand fighters and dozens of elephants fight , Vtqatl Criterion since the early morning until the evening. Has been linked to the leader (alternate), during which my eyes his horse because it was the fear of elephants and fought bravely rare, have been killed alone by the enemy nearly eighty fighters in the field, even cited at the end of the battle, and defeated his army and there was a lot of them in captivity, and imprisoned with women and traders in the large prison
Bdibl (23).
The news arrived to the pilgrims grieved deeply saddened by the martyrdom of an alternative, it was a great place in itself (24).
Then I swear by pilgrims to conquer the land of Sindh and opens it, he wrote in detail to the Caliph al-Walid bin Abdul Malik and asked him for permission to send a large army to the authority did not agree Caliph, the remoteness of the area on the one hand, it is about 2500-km from the capital, Damascus, on the other hand the strength of King Dahir, and sang his known by its wealth, its strength and its civilization Ancient (25).
There are barriers and natural barriers, the sea, and deserts, making the Caliph hesitate.
But pilgrims urged him and convinced him, after they showed him the plans and measures to save the lives of the Muslim Caliph he agreed. Saw the pilgrims to pay the army command Muhammad bin Qasim as enjoyed by the courage of chivalry, but he feared words of people from the synthesis of pilgrims to his family, but I'm Qasim told the pilgrims: "I do not ask for a position does not Otabak sustenance, but I ask you to help me on the dead in God help me for the death come to you God of Life (26). Muhammad bin Qasim bin Mohammed Thaqafi, a cousin of al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf (27).
And al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf ibn al-Hakam ibn Abi Aqil bin Masood Thaqafi meet Muhammad bin Qasim in Thaqafi Hakam ibn Abi Aqil (28). It was Muhammad bin Qasim and ruler of Fars province and Shiraz-based, as was his father and ruler of Basra by the pilgrims (29).
Fjhz pilgrims Ibn al-strong army consisting McCain six thousand knights (30), also included the six thousand other people of Persia from Arab and other pedestrians (31). In the year 92 AH / 710 AD the army went to Shiraz, where he stayed for six months to gather strength and there is a section of its troops to freely and went overland to the Ibn al-Makran and stayed for months, with the force of six thousand soldiers and
Makran was accompanied by the emir, Muhammad ibn Harun and his even Ormaiil and died there (32). The band and naval forces were sent by sea, along with supplies and heavy weapons such as catapults and other, and catapults catapult great so-called bride managed and staffed by nearly five hundred men and the Fate of God to meet the Land Army Army Marine on the same day as if they were on a date, but the will of God That was on Friday (33).
The command of the army marine Khuraim Amr ibn al-Marri and the son of marauding, and next to these leaders, there was a prominent commanders such as Abdul Rahman bin Salim al-Kalbi, and Sufyan bin coolest famous leather, cotton, and Ben is aware of hamate (34).
And began the siege of the city from all directions, and set up the huge catapult "bride" and ordered Ibn al-Djaobp Musalmi chief focus of the catapult shooting at the Dome of the Alp "and Alibd fetish of the wise men there," was the height of the dome 40 cubits, and a capacity of 40 cubits.
The man came out during the siege Barhami of hermits, and asked the security of Ibn al-safe, they found. Then told the Muslims that as long as the flag flying on the temple, it is difficult for them to open the city, since the Indians believe in that, he pointed them to drop the flag, and then something I'm denominator Djaobp beat science, started and threw the catapult and dropped the flag, and dropped part of its base and pole.
Magnify Muslims and then hit the dome of the temple, Fanahdmt fully without hitting the building the temple damage (35) and fly people Dibble and Chaemwa went out to the Muslims motivated to fight Almstmit, Vkablhm Muslims with arrows like rain, and killer parties in a tough fight until God defeated the infidels, and they returned into the fort.
Later, I created a denominator his army to attack the year, Vensb stairs, was the first climbers Assady bin Khuzaymah Moradi Cove, and hastily followed by bin Abdul Malik, son of Qais Basri, and opened the doors, magnify and Muslims have entered. But the infidels fighting as death or life more than ever before.
The fighting continued inside the fort for three days, until the dominance of the Soldiers of God, and draws some Muslims recruited to the temple, and killed his guards, and get out of it suspended for 700 ongoing service of the temple. Muslims then took out the prisoners, men and women. The denominator is I'm a warrior to kill all of the people of Dibble penalty what was before them Muslims, as pilgrims ordered to give security for the rest of the cities of Sindh but if people revolt. After Muslim control over the city, workers fled King Dahir named Ben Jaheen Brseid Rawat.And began to Ibn al-regulates the things the city and plans, and built a major mosque, and expanded the castle, built on the eastern side of the castle a residential area for Muslims comprised of four thousands of Arab families and the soldiers and was appointed governor of Dibble, Mohammed bin farewell Najdi, and that was in Rajab 93 e / 711 m (36) .
And the Department of Ibn al-booty to the soldiers, and sent to the House Balkhms succession, then went to the authority of procedure, and as they passed him on the city of her family, until he killed its king Dahir and entered the capital
"Oror" at dawn on Friday, 11/09/1993 e - 1 / 7 / 712 M (37).
A glimpse of the social, cultural and economic
And we mean it: society, culture, language and trade.
First: the above mentioned races and tribes. The classes, saw newcomers after
Continue in the province of Sindh, and especially the clergy that Brahmins do not mix their tribes and race with the elements of pre-existing They established the caste system.
First class:
Brahmins (Brahman) who are men of religion, and they oversee the collection of temples and vows and good things, and they have absolute power in the country beyond the authority of the Sultan himself.
The second layer:
Alkstraep (Jhtri) they are the rulers and commanders and politicians, in charge of defense affairs, politics and power.
The third layer:
Vichy (Wish) they are traders, craftsmen and farmers, and are economic matters and the provision of means of subsistence for the two layers Alitin.
Class IV:
Shura (Choudhury) They are Darordip the indigenous people and their duty to serve the three layers of the large infield services and Oqdhirha they are deprived of all human rights, and we must live the members of this class outside the city, so that they serve the masters during the day and go out at night are not allowed to trade and collect money and education. MALE-Biruni, "but deprived them hear the Scriptures, and played hurt in his ears hot oil, and if to raise his voice on one of the members of other classes cut off his tongue," and if he raised his hand and, if cut off his leg kick. "
Does not allow them to marry than others, or go and belonging to the layer above them.
After the Islamic conquest Bewildered Muslims, Ibn Qasim in front of these layers and how to deal with it, he decided to apply this verse to them {no compulsion in religion} and took the advice and good treatment would Wali Muslim Vtother much more, it entered, including Islam, but they have become what the Muslims and what they have.
Upon the arrival of Muslims was the people of Sindh divided into two categories, both politically and intellectually, socially, culturally and economically.
Category of owners of the first three layers are the owners and the owners of religion Albarhamip the caste system and the men in power.
Category II: Religion Alboudip owners, and they Aldarodrp including Almid and Zt, Almnawin for the first category.
Because Zgot and inhuman treatment towards them from the first category to take those collecting their personnel and unite their word as are so organized that they have become the President obey the command.
They began to confront power Albarhamip even with the corruption of land and sea to the public and private piracy freely on each of the over Psoahalhm of ships and banditry, looting and killing both through their homes, to be fed King Dahir of them tired, take them some harsh measures Volzmanm wear clothing of their own in order to know, and if it is proven to kill someone or steal it with his family burned in the fire and other harsh measures.
This group is oppressed by the line some of the principles of religion with the rules and the foundations of the Islamic faith in the principle of equality and justice, and the abolition of the caste system, especially after the Islamic conquest of their regions and good treatment that they found the commander Muhammad bin Qasim and his army, they began to engage in Islam and embrace this new religion groups and individuals, After embracing Islam I'm denominator included many of them to top leaders in the Islamic Army.
On the other hand Muslims have benefited from their experience and dedication to military jihad next to make information of the Islamic Army for off-road ways and the mountains and river ports.
, Thus ending the sectarian problem and the dilemma of social class is Albarhamip of them converted to Islam became treated as Muslims. And stayed in his religion he pays tribute, without domination over others (38) ..
After that I'm settled in Sindh Qasim began organizing administrative matters and started each major city councils to consider the Ombudsman, the Council had Dibble complaint raises matters to him directly Vincef
The oppressed (39).
And took Mansour Abad Barhaman center of government and the palace of the Administration, and after Muhammad bin Qasim taken by the rulers of the Umayyad, and later the seat of government 121 years old H / 738 m (40)
Al-Biruni says: "The language the people of Sindh is completely different from the Arabic language and alphabet as well, and it is difficult for the Arab pronunciation of more words and names" (41)
The ancient language is the language of Alsanksritip Aryan languages, which are of particular importance, is the language of ancient Indian scriptures, and was the official language before Islam (42). After the Islamic conquest has become the language used is Arabic, Sindhi (43). He says Altarazi: - Arabic language is the language of the state, and the ruling class and the staff, dignitaries, intellectuals, scientists, judges, schools (44).
The people of Dibble in uniform people of Iraq was well nice, they prefer the color and turbans adults and sketches cosmetics, Alttalis wearing drinking - drink - and preachers wearing cellars and regions - such as the Belt - (45), and tradesmen and objects used to wear a shirt and Urdu, and the public They were dressed in rice and Almizer to the severity of free their countries, and they were Ikrmon their ears and wearing earrings, hair and send him Itouleun (46).
It is the general Almid and Zt They have been forced by the Brahmins to wear uniforms in order to excel all others, a robe, wrapper of black cloth coarse heavy, and on their shoulders tissue from the same cloth, and deprived of wear clothing color and covering the head and walk barefoot Msvi heads, and then improved their status after entering Islam (47).
It was reported Qalqashandi uniforms for the people of this Kingdom in the late periods of many species and colors in detail.
Dibble and more structure of mud and wood (48). There are buildings of stone and plaster and pay was in the region, such as Mansoura, stone buildings phenomenon in Dibble from the effects of the temple - and the wall of the fence and the Mosque of Muhammad bin Qasim after the conquest, Recalling Ansab al-Ashraf that the army of Muhammad bin Qasim after the conquest, as has been made and to Billah the authority had builtimprisonment of a huge stone in the ruins of houses and the ancient walls of Dibble (49). The commanders and governors often live in barracks
And military camps outside the cities or in the forts and castles, and then In the era of the Umayyad ruler was not only lives in a house and live a normal existence free of decoration in the most of their lives.
The middle-class housing and public good was because of income from agriculture, trade and industry, some houses of stone and decorated. Layer and the common folk: peasants, workers and servants their homes were often built of wood or of Alojoas in the form of small huts and may not be healthy (50).
Before Islam there was a pariah class of the basest and lowest of work they do allows them to do with providing accommodation with the masters. Serve them during the day and out at night out of the country and the city (51).
The enjoyment of scholars and judges like a good social authority in the country thanks to their knowledge and piety.
And they had a significant impact in Islam a lot of the people of Sindh due to their morals precious values, idealism, and the leadership shown by the humility and science and from all layers of authority, and were appreciated by the governors and rulers, accompany them in the councils formal occasions, and after the Islamic conquest, established science schools famous for teaching science Modern and Other (52).
The most famous scientists Bdjel: Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Aldepli and his son Muhammad bin Aldepli (53), Aldepli Abu Musa, Abu Abdullah Aldepli (54), Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Harun al-Baghdadi Aldepli
Egyptian, Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Aldepli Shami, Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Abdullah Aldepli, Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Shami Aldepli (55), Ahmad b. Abdullah Aldepli, Khalaf bin Muhammad al-Baghdadi Aldepli, Aldepli Shuaib bin Mohammed Al-Masri (56), and many of these.
In economic terms, Dibble was dependent on trade, because agriculture is a small, barren land due to low fertility in the heart of Islam compared to Sindh province which is the country's goods and crops and fruits for the presence of Mehran River.
As for the people to rely Dibble was their main income from trade and Dibble is the main port of support since the progress until the Islamic period (57).
Road and sea to Daibal
Describes the Conclave to travel to say: "and to contact him only after the dangers of land and the horrors of the sea after incision and chest tightness" when describing the province of Sindh (58) and by the sea where the ships were launched from Idiot passing ports such as basic Seraphington, Tesmkran and Dibble, Thanh, Colm ml until the Far East, and wild, Shiraz, Sergent, Jervat, Dargen, PPM, Fihrj, Joey Solomon, Reagan, Joac, Jack, Vensbor, Daibal, or Tesmkran, Ormabil, Qmpely, Dibble, and Palace Qand, Vensbor Dibble (59).
Exports of Dibble
From the port of Dibble issued, the premium and canna, bamboo, and musk to the port of Aden and other (60), and Alphanid - sugar plant - is exported to the countries of the world (61) and issued as well as rice in abundance, and the garments of good was manufactured in the city of Anvil (62), coconuts, "Coconut" and slippers, ivory, and good drugs, and other valuable goods and expensive, and carpets and rugs of all kinds are made locally and in other
Region (63).
Imports to the Dibble, Sindh
It dates to the goods imported by Iraq were to come from Basra (64), and cable's "Land of Afghans" had come to Sindh and Dibble clothes were made of the finest cotton
Types (65). And had come to Iraq and Alexandria and other fabrics as the point of Ships Egypt and Iraq through the Port of Dibble and the Orient, as well as the Arabian horses known as the Godfather comes to the Dibble of the land of the Arabian Peninsula, with the knowledge that in India and Sindh horses and Albrven but most are not good compared to Arabian horses (66).
The Western goods by the Franks and other narrated by Jews Alrmanip who were wandering between the Far East, the Arabs and the north and south, and they were buying and selling and exchanging goods along their journey this and wherever they went, were jumping from Tangier - Morocco, one of their tracks - Valixanderip Fdn Vkolm ml even the Far East , and were carrying the West of servants and maids and servants, and brocade and Alkhoz Leather, fur and sable and swords Vipheon these goods by the region's need and the desire of its people. And then they buy what fits their business from those ports to the other (67), and the Indian musk, which comes from Tibet to the Dibble, from and exported to the country by sea and musk of the finest Indian and Chinese Safadi (68).
It was returned to the Dibble various goods from China such as: musk, oud, camphor and Dar Chinese and other goods from the numerous (69).
According to Idrisi for skilled people Dibble in trade, "said the ships and goods were coming from Oman, China and India Victron more and as much as possible, since they have more than others of the money they are rich, and then store the goods until the take off of merchant ships from the port of Dibble to its destination Vijrgeonha and sell highest bidder and how they like it. "
It appears from the context of the statement that there are two categories of traders in the port of Dibble, a resident of the category of people visiting Dibble and attending class for a particular season or periods according to commercial traffic and the arrival of ships so that once they spend and exchange their goods back where they came from (70). Products and farming that were received quince, pear and apple with its presence in the region but very few (71). WordPress vinegar from Iraq to Dibble and Sindh during the reign of Muhammad bin Qasim with the absence of such material in India Vhakiqi that are referred to as the Trading (72). As well as oil, almonds, olive oil, sweat, and lute roses for temples (73).
Relations Dibble Island of the Arabs
The relationship of the region countries located on the east coast and ports on the west coast of the Sea of Persia, and Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula social relationships or migrations political and sectarian
Or economic since ancient times and in the Islamic period.
Has settled and settled many of the Arab traders with their families or married there in the ports authority, such as Dibble, as happened in Serendib - Ceylon - the other hand, there was an exchange of family and family from Sindh, India, communities have resorted to areas of the Arabian Peninsula who they know, Balzt and Almid and Altkakrp (74) and migration political from the days of Umayyads, as has happened to Alavi and outlaws from resorting to that region, such as: Hassan bin gladiator bin Yahya Al-Hamdani and his followers until the advent of Muhammad bin Qasim Thaqafi, as well as cultural exchange between scholars of workshops teaching and learning in the Two Holy Mosques (75).
Port bubonulus (Sindh)
(1) of Damascus, looted a lifetime, p. .173; Bakri, Lexicon what Atsagam, c. 1, p. .569.
(2) of the images show the dimensions of the city of Dibble from the city of Karachi ..
(3) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. .282; Damascus, lifetime elite, p. 0.99.
(4) Conclave best Altqasim, p. .379.
(5) Idrisi, Nuzhat, i 1, p. .167.
(6) Yacoubi, date Yacoubi, c 2, p. .288; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .180; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.98.
(7) 38.
(8) Conclave best Altqasim, p. .474.
(9) Sadat, the date of the Islamic State, pp. .9-11; Alngerami, political relations, pp. .15-16.
(10) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .76-77.
(11) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. 0.55; I'm happy, geography book, p. .132; Abu Fida, calendar countries, p. .138.
(12) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries r 0.166; date Alommm, c. 1, p. .306; Muhammad, History and Civilization, p. 0.19; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, Alallowaii, the Islamic call pp. .63-66.
(13) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, pp. .178 - 179; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. 0.76 - 77.
(14) Sadat, the date of the Islamic State, c. 1, pp. .11-22; watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. .101.
(15) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .12-13; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .242-243.
(16) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .420; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.83.
(17) Bloch, open Sindh pp. .79-80 0.94 to 95.
(18) Moroccan Alienas, p. .177; I'm the air, full, c 4, p. 0.36; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .156-157.
(19) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.81; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .160-161.
(20) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.81; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .160-161.
(21) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .423; Bloch, open Sindh, p. 0.18.
(22) Alngerami, political relations, p. 0.37.
(23) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .29-30; Bloch, open Sindh pp. .98-99; Altarazi Commons, p. 1, p. 162.
(24) Bloch, Conquest of Sind, p. 0.99.
(25) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .31-32.
(26) Shaker, Pakistan, p. 0.15.
(27) Zarkali, flags, c 6, p. .333.
(28) Ibn al-Kalbi, a crowd ratios, c 2, p. 0.77.
(29) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424; Ibn Hazm, Arab crowd pp. .267-268.
(30) Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .288; lessons, v. 5, p. .132.
(31) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .167.
(32) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424; Bloch, open Sindh, p. .105.
(33) I'm the air, full, c 4, p. .111; watchmaker, the spread of Islam, pp. .93-97; Ibn Khaldun, lessons, c 5, pp. .132-133 .160-161.
(34) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, stom 0.166 0.169-171; Ansab al-Ashraf Fattouh countries, pp. .424-425; Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .38-39; Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .277.
(35) the same source, pp. .38-39; Yacoubi, its history, c. 2, p. .277.
(36) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, pp. .99-101; Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .166-173; I'm the air, full, c 4, p. .111; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, pp. .424-425; Bloch, Conquest of Sind, p. .197.
(37) Yacoubi, its history, p. .289; Bhard, the core of the bond date, p. 0.24; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .427.
(38) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .117-120 .136-147; al-Biruni, the achievement of India, pp. .76-80; tract and kingdoms; p. 0.71.
(39) watchmaker, the spread of Islam, p. 0.71.
(40) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .177-178.
(41) Al-Biruni, to achieve what of India, pp. .13-14.
(42) watchmaker, the date of the Islamic State, p. 0.13; Alngerami, political relations, pp. .15-16.
(43) Istakhri, pathways Kingdoms, p. .177.
(44) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, pp. .404.406-407.
(45) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. 382; Conclave best Altqasim, stom .129,382.
(46) Alocki, pathways Kingdoms, p. .177.
(47) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .128-129; Damascus, lifetime elite, p. .176.
(48) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .167.
(49) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, p. .479; Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh, ..., p. .425.
(50) Altarazi Commons, c 2, pp. .124-129
(51) Al-Biruni, to achieve what of India, p. 0.77.
(52) Altarazi Commons, c 2, p. .125.
(53) al-Hamwi, glossary countries, c. 2, p. .495.
(54) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .480; Jawzi, elite status, c 4, pp. .71,107.
(55) Altarazi Commons, c 1, .369,493 stom.
(56) al-Hassani, the Islamic culture in India, p. .135.
(57) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, p. .479.
(58) Ibid, p. .474.
(59) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. 0.48; to Stranj, the countries of the caliphate, stom .288,360.
(60) I'm Krdazbp, routes and kingdoms, pp. .60-61.
(61) I'm Hawqal, image of the earth, p. .281.
(62) Sapphire, Lexicon countries, part 3, p. .281.
(63) Jerusalem, best Altqasim, c 3, p. .481.
(64) Abul Feda, Calendar, p. .349.
(65) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .196.
(66) Qalqashandi, Sobh TFB, pp. .81-82.
(67) I'm Krdazbp, a book of countries, p. .153.
(68) Yacoubi, a book of countries, p. .365; Samer, historical origins, p. 0.20.
(69) I'm Krdazbp, tract, stom .153-154.
(70) Idrisi, Nuzhat, c. 1, p. .167.
(71) Qalqashandi, Illh TFB, c 5. P. 0.83.
(72) Ansab al-Ashraf, Fattouh countries, p. .424.
(73) Altarazi Commons, c. 1, p. .109.
(74) Mohammed, history and civilization, pp. .12-13.
(75) al-Hamwi, Article Dibble; I'm the air, full, v. 5, p. 0.25; Fattouh countries.
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