Ethnic Problem of Sindh
Ethnic Problem of Sindh
Sindh is facing hostage like situation in the hands of 10% population which stills claims to beU.P. WALAY, C.P. WALAY. Here is an analysis of Sindh population and its inhabitants.The Population of Sindh is divided in 60% Sindhi and 40 Non- Sindhi inhabitants. Out of 40% Non- Sindhis, 5% are Pathans, 10 % Punjabis and 25% are Muhajir’s or settlers who migrated atthe time of partition and after wards. The settlers(Muhajir’s) can further be divided on the basisof ethnicity as 5% are Gujrati,10 % Rajisthani and 10% belongs to U.P and C.P areas.It’s a fact that Sindh has peculiar history and civilization which is recognized worldwide as IndusValley Civilization. The Sindhi culture and language absorbed every other contributing culture init and the new comers to Sindh soil got merged like its own inhabitants. We have a recentexample that in 1901 Nara Canal and in 1932 Sukkur Barrage lands were allotted to Punjabisettlers in Rural Sindh aiming to increase CULTIVATING area of Sindh. With the passage of time, those Punjabis adopted Sindhi language and culture and they are no more Punjabi now butcan be termed son of Sindh soil. So with this Sindhi population increases from 60 % to 65%.While in Karachi, the ratio of Punjabi Pathan population is also 5% each of the total populationof Sindh. Although, these Punjabis and Pathans settled in Karachi at a much later stage but theyfeel comfortable with Sindhi culture irrespective of U.P and C.P Gunga Jumna culture which issupposed alien by these Punjabis and Pathans. So the goodwill between Sindhis and Punjabi,Pathans living in Karachi makes them closer and the Punjabis and Pathans in Karachi keep a safedistance from Gunga Jumna culture naturally. Now come to 25% population consisting of Muhajir’s which are comprised of Gujrati, Rajisthaniand U.P and C.P areas. Out of 25% Muhajir’s, 5% are Gujratis .The Gujrati faction of Muhajir’sis culturally close to Sindhis as they are geographically neighbors and their culture and traditionshave strong impacts on each other. But sad enough that these Gujratis feel proud and easy to bein lined with Muhajir’s of U.P and C.P just because they are businessmen and are bit afraid of agrarian culture of Sindh. Interestingly, Sindhis don’t consider them settlers or alien to their landand now Gujratis too want to come out of the grip of Gunga Jumna culture. With addition of 5%
Gujratis, one can assume that 80% of Sindh population is coherent and love to live peacefully,with same arguments.Rajisthani 10% proportion of settlers too is geographically, socially and culturally more closer toSindhis then Gunga Jumna culture. In Hyderabad,80 % settlers belong to Gujrati and Rajisthanifaction of settlers while proportion of U.P and C.P CULTURED PEOPLE IS BELOW 20% .Butinterestingly, the leadership of urban Hyderabad revolves always in the hand of UP, C.P people just because the cleaver policy by which they portray the Sindhis an ENEMY OF SETTLERS.The start of Muhajir ethnic politics was 1985. By the time, Punjabis and Pathans living inKarachi and Sindh have clearly recognized the reality of Muhajir politics. These people knownow that after 64 year, Muhajir’s of UP, CP didn’t change their mentality and have become a blackmailing force in Sindh as well as at National, level.It’s a fact that there is no collision between Sindhis and cultures of Gujratis and Rajisthanis, justlike Punjabis and Pathans. So all these ethnicities never felt hostile to each other but lived and prospered peacefully and honourably.The million dollar question is that why 10% so called Muhajir’s from UP, CP want to makehostage all Sindhis as well as other Nations who live in Sindh peacefully!!!!!!
Political WisdomAdministrator “Punjabi Think Tank”
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